[President] Here we go again...

Day 1,452, 14:59 Published in Sweden USA by Harvey R. Specter
This situation is really giving me a headache... I feel obligated to explain the situation, one more time, to clear some questions out. This article will act as a counter measure to cherubs article - which is filled with lies, wild accusations and distorted information where he handpicked the parts that fitted his story about Sweden oppressing Norway.

1. Explaining the National Goals
Here's an extract from a mIRC log between me and Lonestar. I shared this information with Tommy (cherub) and he chose to ignore that fact when he wrote his article, to be more precise he's claiming that I was planning on wiping out Norway entirely. Here's the extract:

Ska man ha country goals 😛? Vad är det ens?
Det är ganska onödiga smågrejer men ha något kul
typ plocka alla Norges o Danmarks regioner

That pretty much says it all.. It was just a silly joke. He's practically judging me for something I did three days before I was elected - do you even want to cooperate with Sweden? Because it is doubtfull, especially when you act out on something like that. I was never planning on taking over Norway and the goals were not set to gain more votes in the elections either.. Does it look like I was in desperate need of votes?

2. Norway vs Denmark
Part two is about a battle plan, where Denmark was supposed to attack Norway. Flitwick wrote in his article that Sweden wanted Norway to attack Denmark and he was corrected by Lonestar. First Lonestar wrote a comment, where he pointed out the wrong things Flitwick had mentioned and after that he released an article where he explained the situation in detail. I wasn't around when the plan was being discussed, but I trust my MoD's word.

Even though everything was explained by Lonestar, Tommy is disregarding the correct information, again, and he chose to walk on the same path as Flitwick did - claiming that Norway was told to attack Denmark. This to weaken Norway as they would loose their NE against Sweden.

3. Sweden wiping Norway out
That won't happen, and it is something I have been very clear on.. I wrote a section about that in my previous article, where I pointed out the importance of the NE war between Sweden and Norway. Not just for Sweden, but to Norway as well because they will get the bonus too.

Even though I was clear on that point, cherub is accusing Sweden for some ulterior motives, leaving out the truth once again..

It makes you wonder, right?
Here we have the President of Norway, complaining in public about how awful the Swedes are and at the same time he is making sure that he's burning all the bridges between Sweden and Norway down. Making it look like Sweden were the ones who started it all - and at the same time creating a picture that Norway is being toyed around with, being exploited, being lied to, backstabbed etc etc. Which isn't true because Sweden is relying on the NE bonus and I would never jeopardize that.

Signed, Jim Parsons - President of eSweden