[PRE] My official Statement about Indo-SA War

Day 794, 23:43 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Prime Minister's Department

There been a conflict about trusting each other and will make a problem for our Peace Treaty with eIndonesia. Personally , this not suppose not to be an issue but i understand why this issue make everybody worry.

Defend South Africa

SA always be our nation friend/brother and also member of Sol. so it our duty to defend them as they was helping us before. there are no reason we shouldn't defend them .

Relation with Indonesia

our promise still continue , our action in SA are not violate my promise i made with indonesia President , Masila.. we simply help to defend SA. i still keep tracking when my friend Masila will push the Peace Treaty button and end our war for good. so i hope both nation shall calm down. we need to respect each other.

my wish is to have a peace Asian and i dont want this issue ruin our Peace Treaty.

peace to all


President of eMalaysia