[POTUS] The Economic Council

Day 1,172, 18:55 Published in USA Canada by Haliman

Dear America,

Last month, Secretary of the Treasury Jewitt decided to bring back The Economic Council. The original decision to bring it back was temporary. However, they have been invaluable this month, with all of the economic improvements the admins have been making.

By executive order, I hereby make the Economic Council a permanent institution. They have been amazing this month, and will continue to be amazing in the months ahead!

Here’s a little info.

Seat organization:
- Guaranteed seats to SecTreas and CBO directors. Observer status to POTUS and SoH (Posting allowed, no voting).
- Other seats awarded by merit
- The total # of seats will fall between 10 to 15 or so seats.

- One each vote to people with full seats. Ties broken by EC chairman. 50%+1 needed
- EC chairman voted in monthly
- Members added/removed by vote
- No quorum, just whoever can find the board to vote within 24 hours, 48 for EC chair, with 24 hours before for self-nominations. Only those on the Council can be nominated.

General Organization:
- The EC will be completely and entirely NEUTRAL between the branches. It’s sole purpose will be to advise those who ask for advice. Examples would be the cost/benefit ratio of certain executive actions, predictions on economy, budget discussions, tax discussions, anything asked of the EC.
- Hopefully the EC will eventually get to the point where it can publish bi-monthly economy status reports. A simple article with analysis on the economy from the last report and reasonable predictions on the future. Some possible general advice to the citizens could be useful as well.
- If desired, the EC can provide a report to congress on a periodical basis.
- Neither Congress nor the Executive will have control over the EC.

A big shout out goes to Evry, my choice for Secretary of Treasury for next month!

Be sure to vote Haliman tomorrow for President!

President of the eUnited States