[PotUS] New DoD Policy

Day 1,692, 18:11 Published in USA USA by Evry

As you may have noticed HERE, we've decided to restructure USAF recruitment to hone our division-by-division performance. Basically, our new recruitment format is aimed at guiding people towards the appropriate branch to help them maximize their damage in the correct battles. Always refer people to the appropriate branch based on their division. Once contact has been made, we acknowledge that a particular applicant would rather go to a different division. Assuming they meet the requirements for the other division and they've already been given a good faith referral to the appropriate division, they can still be admitted to the other division if they have a good reason for doing so.

To clarify the goals and rules of the new recruitment policy, here's what you can and cannot do:

- Advertise yourself as your assigned division
- Accept out-of-division recruits, but ONLY AFTER you have given them a good faith referral to the proper branch for their division

- Advertise yourself as something other than your assigned division
- Offer financial or material incentives to recruit out-of-division players
- Recruit/message/encourage/entice any USAF member from another branch to join your branch*** This last one is a HUGE 'no-no'.

So let's go through a hypothetical...

Joseph A. Recruit comes to you, and he is outside your branch's division. Your first step:

1) Explain to Joe that the appropriate branch(es) for his division level exist and that it is tailored to his level.
2) Give Joe that branch's application link.
3) If Joe tells you he has made contact with that branch AND Joe would still rather join your branch, you are free to give him your application link and/or process him into your branch.


"What do you mean by 'good faith referral'?"

A good faith referral is one where you refer to the other USAF branch(es) positively, and not in a demeaning/derogatory/dismissive way. We are all USAF members and while friendly competition is healthy, remember that it's in everyone's best interest if we perform well in all divisions.

"What do you mean by 'appropriate branch'?'

The appropriate branch for each division is as follows:

BC - D1
AF - D1/D2
RS - D3
UM - D3/D4
ST6 - D3/D4
SF - D4

"What is the good reason you refer to?"

A good reason looks like 'I used to be in that branch', 'my best friends are in that branch', or 'I've been offered an officer slot in that branch'. A bad reason is 'I was kicked out of another branch' or 'I like the name better'.

"So to be clear, if AFTER giving potential recruits a positive referral to another branch, and they still want to join my branch, I can accept them?"

Yes. It's better for people to be in the USAF in some capacity so their damage can be focused precisely.


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Dravik Rixx
Deputy Secretary of Defense

Deputy Secretary of Defense

Co-Chairman of the National Security Council

Co-Chairman of the National Security Council