[PoSK] Does Russia’s War Affect Our MPP?

Day 932, 16:54 Published in South Korea Bolivia by Arjay Phoenician

About an hour ago, Russia initiated attacks in China, Finland, and the US.

One of the differences in leadership styles between myself and my predecessors is I believe I was elected to lead, not to stall in first trying to gain a consensus. I appreciate all input, but ultimately I will act in what I believe is the best interest for this country, its security and its reputation.

An MPP, whether or not we wish to argue that it means nothing in terms of loyalty to one superalliance or another, is often perceived as an endorsement. While I appreciate the Russians signing this MPP with us and thus ending Japanese aggression for the time being, I can't endorse their aggression, something most likely weeks in planning. Further, my fear is, with the Russians fighting a war on three fronts, they’re not going to be able to set aside resources to defend us if Japan seeks to attack.

While I have faith in the people who work for us, like MoFA Caley and kim yu-na, our Liaison to Phoenix, my position is that we should carefully consider our MPP with Russia, an MPP we signed with a Japanese gun pointed to our heads, and at least make plans to sign one with a different country, and quickly.

I was planning to talk to the Russian President anyway, now is as good a time as ever.

I did say that the entire citizenry of South Korea is my team of advisors. I'm hoping we get a spirited discussion going on this. This one is important.


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