[Politics] Which party is best for you?

Day 2,077, 02:09 Published in Belgium Finland by ErnestHemingway

You are new to eRepublik. You have already gained a few levels and you now know how you have to work, train and fight in relevant battles.

The moment has come you will have to decide which political party to join. But how do you do so? How do you know which party is suited best for you, your ideas and your playstyle?

In an attempt to help you in this, and without trying to recruit for this or that party, I have asked all Party Presidents in Belgium the same three questions.

You can find their unedited answers here. I hope it helps you create an idea of how the Belgian political landscape looks like. They are listed here in the reverse order of the replies I received.
"It is my dream. It is our dream. It is The Belgian Dream. We are The Belgian Dream."

The Belgian Dream (TBD) is a very young party. We have almost four months since we were born, but we already are a top party and we made our own road in the political life, with the sweat of our own brow. People that are already near us are ready to give a help at any time and we would like to have others willing to give a part of their elife just to be among us. You can check some of them, reading this article -> http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/the-belgian-dream-our-awesome-candidates-for-the-congress-of-july--2295869/1/20

What does your party stand for?
The Belgian Dream stands for honor, respect and justice. We love to take new players with us on our beloved journey, called eRepublik, and learn them, as much as we can, the mechanics of the game. Our collaboration is at any level with anyone. This means that even if you are level 15, we will talk with you as much and serious as we do it with another old player (old in game). The experience is not so important, because this come in time. We help each other to achieve as much as he desire on this game. We help our soldiers to improve their strength to increase eBelgian power in the eWolrd! Everyone need and deserve a chance.

Even if we lose something we do it with our head up, this means honor. You have to learn this very important thing. We don’t like the drama in press or offending other player, even when that one deserves it.
We respect anyone and by that it means that we ask the same thing back.
TBD is again any kind of political take-over (PTO). We defend as much as we can this aspect of the game. As i said before we love the justice and we will never change this fact.

Why should anyone become a member of your party?
The Belgian Dream is a party that respects opinions of every member. If you have something to say, be sure that someone will be anytime there to listen you. If you have any dream in this elife, then here is the place where you should be. We all have dreams, but in the same time we stay in the reality and try to achieve our wishes.

What does your party try to achieve?
Our priority is to form a nucleus of people and to lead this country to victory. Victory could mean anything. To defend against of a PTO, to fight near our comrades on the battlefield and to give everything we have or can for eBelgium. We follow to unify the current population, because only in this way we can develop further the country, through collaboration and attracting new players that want the good of our beloved country, eBelgium.
The Belgian Labour Party

What does your party stand for?
The BLP stands for an open community, although we demand complete loyalty,we try to give every member a chance to take part in the discussions. We believe that only a strong figure can lead us through this struggle,and new players can get very powerful, but that's only if they're fast,because there are not so many places to be filled in.

Why should anyone become a member of your party?
Why? Because we are a strong community, our party is from the people for
the people. People can get very powerful, as we don't believe in real
democracy. Democracy doesn't lead to change, the power is divided between dozens of parties with each their own views.

What does your party try to achieve?
We try to achieve what many have tried before us. The eNetherlands and
eBelgian territories should be merged into 1 state. The other eEuropean
countries' borders should be restored, and a new military alliance should be formed, to protect the eEuropean borders, and to crush any opposition,in and out the eEU. The merge betwen eNL and eBE would mean that all the Dutch would become eBelgian. Immigrants (new citizens) should have special laws, which would restrain them from any official post for a certain period, which would give our Secret Services the time to check them,and if necessary, remove them, before it's too late.
It's the governments primary job to take care of the welfare of the

What does your party stand for?

Our party stands for Unity, Fairness, Equality and Democracy.

UNITY means that we try to collaborate with all parties loyal to eBelgium. eBelgium is a very small community in the eWorl😛 only the 0.3%, so we must stay united to secure our independence and mantain a living community. Other countries of our size failed at that. We have a nice collaboration with ATO and TBD, and we work also with RB and BLP, sometime!

FAIRNESS means that we don't like people harassing others, we don't like people who are in this game only to troll because of their frustrating real life. People should play serenely this game, and have fun!

EQUALITY means that it's not important your level, strength, your game activity, language, even real life nationality. All are welcome in our party and all may get involved.

DEMOCRACY means that important decisions are taken democratically within the party by all members. All members are informed of party activity and all may say their opinion.

Why should anyone become a member of your party?

Well, there are different types of parties in this game: there are parties where members are close friends of the party president, and parties that buy membership with supplies or congress medals.
UNION- UNIE IS DIFFERENT: people know each other in the party and members are paid with information and partecipation, not with currency or gold...

A good thing for a new Member is DEMOCRACY and EQUALITY, values which have been imported in UNION-UNIE from ATO party.
In this way an active new Member can grew quickly and BECOME A PILLAR OF THE eBELGIAN COMMUNITY: his opinion is valued as the same of old members, and old members will understand that the new member is not a threat.
An example of players that followed this "fast-track" in ATO are: BelgiumGeneral, Jdlf, Beaver Juice, Programme Tvvince, all of them, through the party, became pillars of eBelgium.
In UNION-UNIE I feel that ErnestHemingway will follow their path!

What does your party try to achieve?

Some parties have futuristic goals such as to boost the economy or to invade other countries, well, UNION-UNIE IS REALISTIC. the economy is decided by the game adimns, and we are too weak to invade other countries.

The most important thing is then the eBELGIAN COMMUNITY, our goals are to mantain Belgian independence, to help new players and new soldiers to grow independently of their party membership, and to keep the community quiet and respectful.

What does your party stand for?

We are supposedly far-left wing political party, but as we all know the eRepublik is based on capitalist system, by this I mean we could doubt some of our core true values; which proclaim and stand for.

Why should anyone become a member of your party?

We are serious group of people; who know what they want and how to achieve it.

What does your party try to achieve?

We always want to be the biggest and the greatest political party of eBelgium.
The Zamiatinist Peace Party

What does your party stand for?

The Zamiatinist Peace Party stands for ensuring that prosperity, justice, and equality is protected for all eBelgians. The party's foundation is to share the word and works of Aldous the Meek, The Zamiatin. Aldous Zamiatin was the most respected and beloved eBelgians in history, and devoted his eLife to working to improve the conditions for the two-clickers and active players alike.

Why should anyone become a member of your party?

I think that if you care about justice, equality, and prosperity, you should join the ZPP. Obviously, ALL Beerists (followers of Zamiatinism) should be in the ZPP (I'm looking at you MaryamQ)!

What does your party try to achieve?

Our party strives to achieve a fair and just eSociety where everyone can achieve their own version of success.
Res Belgica

What does your party stand for?

"The most important thing is Res Belgica is a party for the people that want to contribute something useful to this country and its citizens. We encourage our members to take responsibilities but only when they are certain they will be able to invest the right amount of time in it. We believe in initiative, you don’t need tons of experience to work for your country, doing something is the best way of gaining that experience. Of course we do not believe youthly enthusiasm is all you need, we have more than enough experienced players to provide information and help when it is needed. Thus, the most important points of our party are initiative and activity.

A good organization needs good communication. Whether it’s the government, a company or a party communication is a foundation for every action. Therefore we at Res Belgica believe in openness in our official messages. Every citizen has the right to know what is going on so he or she can make a funded opinion about the welfare of our country. Keeping secrets is not a good way to govern, it will only lead to mistrust and hostility and that are two things we are better without.

Ever since the rebirth of this nation it has been tainted by dirty politics and people spreading hate for others. We have never joined those actions, we don’t believe in winning the people for us by spreading hate about others, we try to win citizens for our cause by being fair and working hard for it. That should be the core of every government. This leads us to the third important milestone of this party: Integrity. We stand for fair politics with cooperation and without hate. This way we will do what is best for our country and not only what’s best for us. In Res Belgica you will not find any secret moves, but only openness and contribution by everyone.

Our last milestone is our social work. This party has always done everything it could to help those in need. Even when eBelgium wasn’t on the map yet we did our best to support young Belgian players in this game and we have never stopped doing it. Our social program is there to distribute food to those in wellness trouble and providing basic information to new players so they have the chance to grow in this game. On top of that we have our own company whose task is to allow new players to work at a very nice wage for a low skill level: Fair trade Food. The social program will always be an important part of this party and we will never abandon it to free recourses for a personal success. New players deserve every help they can get.

Apart from all those political milestones, we at Res Belgica don’t forget we are playing a game. Therefore we promote one thing above all: making a lot of fun and I sincerely believe we are succeeding in that." - Res Belgica's ideals, written by Rithulme, PP of RB in May 2010

Why should anyone become a member of your party?

Because we are "experienced, active and dedicated" (said by Habraka, former PP of RB, in 2010). We can offer them a place where their word will be heard, where every effort is appreciated... Also, we have supply program for the youngest members of Res Belgica (members under level of 2😎. They receive weekly 21 Q7 weapons and 136 Q5 food each, and all they need to do is to gain more than 70 experience points in that week (once again a fact that we appreciate every activity of our members). That way we help the youngsters to grow up stronger and faster.

What does your party try to achieve?

We are trying to "build on our past to make a better future" (said by MaryamQ, former PP of RB, in November 2010), not only for us (Res Belgicans) but also for the whole eBelgium! Simple as that! 😉
All Togethers (ATO)

What does your party stand for?

All TOgethers stand for democracy and sharing. We believe eBelgians need the state to work for them, helping them to reach some level. The state is already on a good way by sharing ressources with citizens who dare asking for it but we believe the state could do more by using more credits and golds on players and especially newcomers. Anyway in thse times eBelgium is threatened by division. Indeed some people think eBelgium could and should do more for citizens, which is fair, but they are trying to get the control through dangerous ways like war or by taking over the national treasury. In ATO we believe everything needs to be democratic and therefore we are against such behaviour.

ATO stands for the country, defending it, improving it.

Why should anyone become a member of your party?

I would say the main raeson is that we have the most participative part of citizens. Moreover ATO is fully democratic and doesn't depend on PP choices so you get a real chance to become a congress member if you are active enough.

And of course, it would be because you like our ideas and want to make changes in eBelgium politics.

As everyone can see we are not that active at recruiting members, it is because we don't aim at the mass but at individuals. We believe that great individuals make great parties. Not numbers.

What does your party try to achieve?

Stabilization and protection of eBelgium.
Belgium has other political parties as well, but they did not supply any answers so far. I will list them nevertheless. Should they still decide to answer, this article will be edited accordingly.
- Panda
- Fire Squad
- Babyboom