[Polandball] How ONE treats its allies - Turkey and Sweden [update]

Day 1,422, 19:31 Published in Germany Germany by KTTRS

Now it's official, my article destroyed ONE:
-> article deleted ;_;

Jag älskar Sverige

Everybody knows that countries like Poland treat their allies like s**t. Just to have a more secure traderoute they e.g. denied Sweden their former German colonies, leading to Sweden not having any fruit-bonus.

This time even for Polish standards, ONE went too far. But have a look for yourself at my comic, which is an edited version of this Polandball (big thanks to whoever made it):

Jeder weiß, dass Länder wie Polen ihre Verbündeten wie Sch***e behandeln. Nur um eine sicherere Handelsroute zu bekommen haben sie zum Beispiel den Schweden ihre früheren Deutschen Kolonien abgeschlagen, womit Schweden keinen Fruit-Bonus mehr hat.

Diesmal ging ONE selbst für polnische Standards zu weit. Aber schaut selbst in meinem Comic, welcher eine editierte Version dieses Polandballs ist (danke an den Macher):

Cool people click the picture to get the hiqh qualitiy version of the comic!

With kindest regards to my Swedish friends