[PNhr] Party elections part three: Hyper Combo Finish

Day 1,456, 17:49 Published in Japan Japan by Sophia Forrester

Good afternoon. I'm C.L. Pastalia,

And I'm C.L. Pastalia.

This is

Today we conclude our election coverage with a look at three more elections and three might-have-beens!

First of all, in the Democratic Owls, current Party President Lyuline is leading over Defense Minister Erumaron.

Even a Cabinet minister isn't going to overcome Lyuline's vote of confidence!

It does look likely, yes, that Lyuline will keep her lead and win reelection.

In the Shinsengumi too, an experienced incumbent is leading over a lesser-known party member.

The vote there is pretty solid, yes, in favor of another term for Zetsurin.

And in the, er, "I. Imperial J2TDP..."

Until recently the New Komeito Party.

Right, in the former NKP, three unknowns are running, with newcomer "emergent candy" in the lead as of this broadcast.

The NKP had slipped to sixth in membership before its name change, although it's still within shooting distance of the Shinsengumi. Whether a new Party President can bring it back as a contender remains to be seen.

And in the rest of the parties, the incumbents are elected with no opposition.

The three smaller parties, each with only one candidate, did not have competitive elections this month.

Their Presidents do get a medal, but that's about the only point of staying in a party with no members.

So it would seem.

And that's it for today, This is C.L. Pastalia,

and C.L. Pastalia, signing off.