[PM] The Irish War: whatdo

Day 1,300, 16:21 Published in United Kingdom France by Hell The Great

I'm sure by now, most of you have seen this article. As the President of the UK, I am here to tell you that not only is this article a shameless attempt to hide the fact that EDEN have refused to fight for Ireland, but it is also an attempt by the Irish state to undermine the relationship between the Strasbourg nations of the UK, France, Germany and Portugal.

Why are they doing this? To put it in perspective; our allies are quite happy to continue to fight for us. However, their allies are running out of regions, never mind patience. This propoganda is not only a shameless attempt to hide their allies inability, and disinterest in defending them, it is also considered a further act of mischief.

On behalf of the British Government, Congress and Population, I hereby declare that until we receive an official apology for this outrageous action, as well as a unanimous surrender, we will be continuing our war with Ireland. This is not only because the Irish state has been impossible to deal with on a diplomatic level, but also, because the Irish population are still unable to stop bring in RL issues into a browser game.

As game rules stop me from publishing conversations here, anyone who is interested in a prime example of this need only view the following thread on the eUK forums.

Finally, I repeat: unless we receive an unconditional apology, and surrender from the Irish nation, we will not only seek to continue this war, we will also do our utmost to see it concluded in our favour, with the Irish regions returned to the empire of the United Kingdom. Any nations which prioritise Ireland over French battles, will also increase the popularity of the ONE alliance, not only in my eyes, but also in the eyes of my population. So Terra, EDEN, take heed - no longer will we tolerate you protecting a nation which trolls us with their nationalist agenda, and brings in RL issues to the game. No longer will we sit back whilst you fight against our interests, ignore our friends battles, and generally be useless.

On behalf of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.