[PM] Presidential Updates

Day 1,100, 07:38 Published in United Kingdom France by Hell The Great
BEFORE WE BEGIN. I would just like to bask in this moment.

Please continue thrusting, whilst you read my beloved article.

Greetings, Blighty. Its been a while since I last spoke to you in game, whilst I of course, maintain pretty much constant updates on our eUK Forums and IRC Chatroom. They're pretty useful ways of keeping in touch with not only me, but our military, our political parties, and our more casual players, who enjoy the community instead of the award winning, faultless modules we have.

Regardless of how great this game is, I thought I would basically sum up what has gone on over the past few days, so that we can celebrate together, mourn together, and just make sure people realise how lucky we've been, as well as how unfortunate we've been due to (and this is of course, a rare occurrence) game bugs.


Well, lets start off with how we have excelled as part of an alliance recently;

- Restoring Russia to various regions
- Partial restoration of Hungary, Slovenia, Germany and our friends in Austria
- Implementing reforms to better our use and direction of damage
- Organising huge amounts of troops for French and Russian ATO operations as well as various PTO operations throughout the globe

Now lets look how the UK has excelled;

- Fantastic organisation to repel a strong USA attack upon South East of England, not only winning it emphatically, but also winning it 8-0.
- Implimented various military reforms to increase our operative effectiveness, whilst maintaining our security and efficiency
- Had a huge war with Canada/USA/Ireland, which although not going completely to plan, is still going well.
- Continued to function whilst facing being wiped out by huge neighbours and huge expenditure in battles.


- Lost various Irish regions to Ireland, USA and Canada. This was unfortunate, but we had to focus on other, more pressing, battles.


- Despite my best efforts, EmeraldEye remains a member of the UK. Its unfortunate that we must endure her presence, but I will do my best to fix this hugely offensive being.

To conclude, the best that EDEN could offer, was offered, and we survived. Its a testament not only to what I promise😛 focused damage, and a focused outlook militarily, but also a huge testament to our Phoenix allies, and Phoenix Command, who diligently dealt damage throughout the day. So thank you UK. Thank you allies. Thank you Phoenix.