(PM Address) Debacle in Western Australia

Day 873, 13:57 Published in Canada Canada by Derek Harland

As most people already know, yesterday was one of the biggest and most important battles in eRepublik history. The fight for Western Australia was on. The reason for it's significant importance rests on these factors:

1. Indonesia proposed peace after attacking it, meaning if Australia lost the battle, the war would be closed and the MPPs Australia had against Indonesia would be gone. I must say, this was a very cunning and clever plan by the invasion planners and I applaud them for it.

2. Western Australia houses a lot of Australian citizens and is a high diamond region which will soon turn into titanium in v2 which is one of the most important resources in the game.

The real result is: we won the battle. Plain and simple, EDEN and Brolliance/SHIELD forces pushed the wall into No Man's Land in overtime, which is the victory conditions. From the eRepublik wiki:

To secure a region:

1. The 24 hours since the region became a battle zone have passed
2. The region reaches a level of defensive points above DefP

As clearly seen from this screenshot:

and from this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Z1ueebdWGo Australia won this battle.

HOWEVER, due to eRepublik having insecure glitches, the battle was allowed to continue even after the wall went over No Man's Land and then Phoenix spent a lot of gold to tank the wall down and luckily for them, the battle closed after they pushed it down. The admins need to look at the clear evidence, fix this gross mistake that has changed the New World and in the larger picture, fix their game. They decided to introduce "Treasure Maps" during the end of the battle instead doing what actually matters and making the game work.

From an angry eCanadian President,
Derek Harland