Амбасадор во еИндонезија - Player 235

Day 2,060, 05:52 Published in North Macedonia Nigeria by Player 235

Здраво јас сум новиот амбасадор во еИндонезија.
За почеток сакам да изнесам кратки податоци за државата :
Индонезија има 4,915 активни играчи, од кои денес се приклучиле 62 играчи.
Индонезија сеуште добро се справува со ТВО и има 12 региони.
Индонезија моментално има 7 од можни 10 ресурси.
Претседател на еИндонезија за овој месец е - mas marco kartodikromo
Премиер : Dendi Uzumaki
Министер за одбрана angky
Министер за надворешни работи MRizky
Гувернер : JuaLKecap
Министер за образование : Fission Mailed

Следува краткото интервју што го направив со претседателот на еИндонезија :
Player 235 : Can you tell us something about "mas marco kartodikromo" in real life ?

Mas Marco Kartodikromo : I am a lecturer for communication studies undergraduate program in Indonesia. Have a simple life and like to travel. Reading is also my favorite activities in my leisure time.
Player 235 : How long do you play eRepublic ?

Mas Marco Kartodikromo: I started to play erepublic on 2008 and after admin banned me on the end of 2009, I gone hiatus. I created this char on 2012 and not very active in the game. But my old friends here still in the touch.
Player 235 : 3. How much time you needed to become cp in your country ? Was it on first try ?

Mas Marco Kartodikromo: It is my second run for CP. Well the politics in Indonesia is hard and harsh for my party who played role as opposition party.
Player 235 : Are you satisfied of the work of admins or do you think that they can work harder ?

Mas Marco Kartodikromo: Admin(s) work only effective for their interest only, make profit. And they sometimes forget the need of the players like a better economic module and less military events. But as we can see admin only focused on what they thought will bring them profit.
Player 235 : eMacedonia and eIndonesia are friends for long time do you think that friendship beetwen these two countries will continue in future ?

Mas Marco Kartodikromo: I believe after what we've been through, Indonesia and Macedonia will be best bro and help each other. I can not see any other future than this friendship and alliance
Player 235 : Is it easy to be eIndonesian cp ?

Mas Marco Kartodikromo : We have historical burden, as one of the top country in eWorld, the pressure id high but I very fortunate to have allies and friends like Macedonia
Player 235 : Is Indonesian goverment planing an airstrike ?

Mas Marco Kartodikromo : For this term, I think we can not afford the AS and if we can the problem is to maintain the region that we will attack.
Player 235 : What do you think about eMacedonia and their citizens,also do you think that eMacedonia will have regions soon ?

Mas Marco Kartodikromo : I think the people of Macedonia are friendly and nice. We have differences in language and culture but we can overcome those and we became good friend. I also acknowledge the bravery and loyalty of people form Macedonia, a rare quality in this game now. With those quality I believe that macedonia will regain their regions soon. Indonesia will gladly help you.