[PL]Good bye Kitty, hello Rhone Alps, Brandemburg , Moscow and Rio de Janeiro!

Day 891, 06:29 Published in Poland China by mihail.cazacu

Today we have worked together and achieved an outstanding victory in Heilongjiang. And even though we won in Asia, for Poland this is actually a victory in Europe. Why would that be?

Well, let's think a bit about Rhone Alps and Brandenburg. Did Slovenia or Russia defeat Poland? Nope, it was the combined Hungarian-Serbian force that tipped the scale.

If Poland is to drive again through Germany and France, who is really going to oppose her? Germany? France? No way! The opposition will always be Phoenix. And more precisely the backbone of Phoenix: Hungary + Serbia.

Neither Hungary nor Serbia can defeat Poland one-on-one without tanking. They both have smaller populations overall but more stronger players than you have today. Therefore the only way they can compensate their numerical inferiority is through burning gold (tanking).

Remove their sources of gold and the Hungarian and Serbian tigers are toothless. Which means Brandenburg and Rhone Alps are again within Poland's grasp once Hungary and Serbia lose their sources of income.

For Hungary those key regions are:

1. Western Transdanubia - currently not under Hungarian control but which might be recovered rather easily. Unless we do something about it 😉

2. Heilongjiang - lost forever thanks to the excellent EDEN - US - China cooperation of this morning.

3. Central Hungary - still in Hungarian hands.

4. Southern Great Plain - currently not under Hungarian control either but still within their grasp if we let them recover it.

Hungary can have whatever other regions - as long as the above are not under her control, her ability to interfere with the recovery and safe-keeping of Rhone-Alps would be negligible.

For Serbia the top sources of gold for tanking (and therefore the main threats against the Polish sovereignty over Brandenburg and Rhone-Alps) are:

1. Liaoning

2. Sumadija

3. Voivodina

4. Eastern Serbia

The same thing applies: as long as Serbia does not hold control of the above mentioned regions, she is not capable to stop the Polish advance through Germany, nor the permanent control over Rhone-Alps and Brandenburg.

The morale of the story?

We kicked the Hungarians out of Heilongjiang through a superb collective effort. Even the recent frictions with the USA were put aside for the sake of the common good.

For those who find it surprising I can only tell them this: clear thinking and honorable behavior among allies will always prevail if we do not allow the hormones to take over. And this is the one and only key to sustainable success. After all, who really wants to be UK 2?

(When it comes to treason, there should be only one. The one and only United Faildom, home of GLaDOS, Dishmcds and Hassan Pesaran.)

Now we have to finish what we've started with Hungary and Serbia. Once they are out of the picture we must swiftly move to recover Poland's main economic base: Brandenburg and Rhone Alps.

Once this item on the agenda is also accomplished we will finish off the last remaining Phoenix puppies: Brazil and Russia.

So we have a 3 steps program:

1. Finish off Serbia and Hungary;

2. Recover Rhone Alps and Brandenburg;

3. Gang-bang Russia and Brazil

Who said it's hard to have fun in eRepublik?!

Hail Poland!

Hail EDEN!