[PG-Comics]: ABC vs Russia ( Part 1 ).

Day 1,276, 06:46 Published in Lithuania Lithuania by Audriuz

One day Latvia decided to control more regions for resources, and there was no way to get them, except one big country - Russia.

Latvia did not even think about how powerful eRussia was.

While Latvia was losing, CP of Estonia gave order to Defend them.

When Lithuania ended war with Ukraine, they decided to help Latvia too.

When Latvia disappear from map Lithuania and Estonia try to help brother.

The power of Lithuania and Estonia was huge.

Then, when Latvia took all of the regions back, all Alliance of Baltic Countries members attacked Russia one strong power.

To be continued...

Hail ABC,
Hail Lithuania,
Hail Latvia,
Hail Estonia,

Hail Ally's

Hope, you like it!

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