[PENIS] Interview with matthewuk!

Day 2,670, 08:12 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Hail Astrid

Welcome to the series you thought was dead (or promptly forgot about in the mad rush of "Dictator" articles):

Pay-Per-View Exclusive: Newbie Interviews

Or PENIS, for short.

Heh, heh.

Am I going to keep reusing that joke for every single interview I do?

You bet I am. Or at least, it'd be hard to stop me.

Here's the breakdown of the acronym:

Pay-per-view is a subtle plea for endorsements.
Exclusive because the interviewee is not very famous and thus has not been interviewed by anyone else.
Newbie because they're younger less famous than me.
Interview for obvious reasons.
S - plural, because against all the odds, here's another one!

Without further ado, let me introduce to you to the second person I managed to interview.


As of Day 2,670.

Now, matthewuk isn't exactly unknown to the eUK community; he'd caused a bit of splash with an article advertising his military unit, the Royal Marines Commandos.

I reacted to this in the manner I react to most military unit articles: I demanded an immediate name change of the said MU to something cooler.

Please ignore the fact that I voted my own comment. And that it was the only vote.

Matt didn't respond to the comment, but he did hit me up with a friend request, so I went ahead and asked him if he'd changed the name yet.

Sup Matt! 🙂

Have you given any consideration to my suggestion of calling your MU the Sex Pistols? Or perhaps Fight Club?

Hi there mate

Although both names are very amusing I'm going to keep my current name. Is there any reason you aren't currently in a MU

Thanks for taking the time to consider them. I'm not in an MU because I'm trying to build up my strength before fighting 🙂

[Editor's Note: It's also because I am very lazy. See below.]

And also because there aren't any MUs with cool names. 🙁

By the way, would you like to be interviewed?

I saw the opportunity and pounced. Like a cat.

Aha I think me and you are going to get on well mate.

Regarding your interview. Can you let me know some details about this. I am always willing to help and get active with other citizens.

[Good answer. He should go into politics.]

Well, my newspaper is always on the lookout for "new" or lesser-known players to interview and sort of introduce to the whole community.

I am subscribed to your paper already and yes I'm willing to be interviewed.

[Here we can see that matthewuk is an enlightened mind. He should go into politics.]

What sort of topics will we talk about

Thanks for the sub 🙂
Well, my stock questions would be:
1) An explanation of your name and avatar
2) Goals in the game
3) General silliness

I like the sound of that aha

So you'd be up for an interview? 🙂

yes I'm down for the interview mate

Alright! 🙂
First question:

Can I start the interview now?

Go for it mate

Your name is matthewuk. Using Sherlock Holmes-esque critical observation skills, I deduce that your name is Matthew and you're from the UK.

[Except I don't wear a scarf.]

Is this true?

Yes. Sadly I wasn't in a very creative mood when joining the game. I admire your observation skills though 😊

However, thanks to the money-grabbing benevolence of Plato, you can change your name for only 5 gold.

If it were free, though, what would you change your name to? 🙂

I'd recommend matthewfromuk, it'd really help those people without my level of observation skills.

yes. as you have previously shown, your observation skills are second to none. As for a new name. I'm not sure whether I would keep it simple or go for something crazy.

[Simple? Crazy? I can think of nothing else that summarises politicians so succinctly.]

I immediately went out hunting for this None and deemed his observational skills to be proficient.

Second to None, eh? Well, he's pretty good, but not as good as me, I'd reckon...

Anyway, what are your goals for this game? 🙂

You're the Commander of the Royal Marines Commando military unit - what are your plans on that, as well?

I am looking at exploring all aspects of the game. Over time I want to get involved in politics but currently that isn't a high priority

As you mentioned I am the commander of the Royal Marines. I decided to set up this MU for several different reasons.
1. I want to be involved as much as I can in th game.
2. To protect the eUK from its enemies.
3. To offer close support to new users In the game.

I have many interesting ideas that I will be introducing in the future to try and spice things up abit. The focus on the unit currently is to recruit new members and offer them an experience like no other.
I am funding the unit completely at the moment and I am here to make this work.

[matthewuk + politics = inevitable]

A moment of silence to acknowledge your patriotism.

*A moment of silence*

What is one feature you'd like to see introduced to the game? 🙂

Since starting my military unit I have three new ideas
1- regiments. Regiments in a MU are simply broken down as regiment 1,2,3 and 4. I think that commanders should be able to name there regiments to add a more personalised aspect of the game.
2- having extra roles in the unit. ie Recruitment Team. This would add a realistic feel to joining a unit and would make MUs more interesting
3- I wish that you had access to a few regiments straight away so you can devide your members effectively. Depending on level and experience. If that wouldn't be possible. Why not sell that option for the cost of gold (Plato loves gold)

I believe this would make the military part of the game more realistic.

[Actual ideas?! Can we get this guy in politics. Please.]

Excellent! 🙂

If you could hack into the account of any eRepublik player and turn him into your multi, who would you pick?

Plato. Have a few personal changes I would make 😉

[An extremely diplomatic answer...]

I've heard Plato's on an FBI watchlist on multiple counts of fraud.

I've also heard that Plato's running a scam trying to convert Bitcoins into eRepublik Gold and then back into Bitcoins so that he can issue Bitcoins himself and make himself money at the click of a button.

I've heard Plato sells drugs to children at the playground and then does the unthinkable - asks them to join eRepublik, a game clearly meant only for responsible adults.

What have you heard about Plato?

None of the above. But I do find the rumours entertaining

[Entertained by childhood drug abuse.
The man's a born politician.]

Who would you say has been your biggest influence in eRepublik so far? 🙂

Oh yeah, and the England Reform Party seems have the exact same name as the UK Reform Party! 😛 Do you reckon someone should tell them about that?!

Picture😛 the ERP(?)

I don't really have a biggest influence. I havnt been back in the game for very long so I'm still meeting new people and having some good laughs. I feel that the people who are being supportive and offering advice are the people who make the game enjoyable. Such as yourself.

Regarding the UK reform party I don't have any comment

[Compliments? "No comment"s? Is there a politician in the room?]

Thanks for the compliment 🙂

Finally, what are the benefits of adding matthewuk as a friend, and is there anything else the eUK should know/be warned about you?

Adding me. I am a very sociable individual that is always willing to have a laugh and help people out.

I have nothing else to add at the moment and I Thankyou for the interview and I look forward to seeing the final product

Once again I forgot to thank the interviewee, so I'll do so here!

Thank you!

Full interview transcript here!