[PD] P.P. elections - PTO threat?

Day 2,183, 10:00 Published in Belgium Serbia by Cika Nikola96

Hey all! I know that some of you expect my 2nd article about ongoing PTO in Belgium, but, it will wait, few more days. (sorry)

Since, I have RL obligations that are important for me, and I won't be online a lot, I resigned from MoD department and current Goverment. I'm so sorry, but, RL is RL. I wish you good term.

My article is about P.P. elections that are in 3/4 days.

Current Political Parties in Belgium:

All parties have 177 members together, out of 364 active citizens in Belgium. Which is 48,62% of Belgium population. That means that 51,40% of Belgium population is not member of any Political Party in Belgium.

On last C.P. elections voted 106 citizens. That is 29,12% of Belgium citizens.
But, last month (oct'13) on C.P. elections we had 125 voters.

Ok, now, I should get back on my article about parties.

On my oppinion I will present parties that are under PTO threat for this month.

No PTOers known to me are running for P.P. place.

No PTOers known to me are running for P.P. place.

No one has applied for P.P. position, and, if only 1 PTOer apply for that place, and no one else, this party will be PTOed.

Is: PTOer detected
Thorin convicted PTOer has applied for P.P. place.

Is: PTOer detected
ChristijanXD convicted PTOer has applied for P.P. place.

No PTOers known to me are running for P.P. place.

No PTOers known to me are running for P.P. place.

No PTOers known to me are running for P.P. place.

No PTOers known to me are running for P.P. place.

9 parties
3 under PTO threath
6 safe

H.O.P.E. and P.A.N.D.A are ATOed. On this elections PTOers will try to PTO them again.
Also, they could try to PTO smaller parties too. (But that's not for sure)

(click the picture- opens gDoc)

After 6 month as Secret Agent in PTOers rows, I got informations of PTOers.
Who are they.
Why are they here.
Where are they from.

Everything. Now, all eBe citizens will be allowed to see who are PTOers, and report people that they think are PTOers, or helping PTOers.

P.P. - Party President
C.P. - Country President
PTO - Political Take Over
ATO - Anti Take Over
PTOer- Person that is doing PTO.
RL - Real Life

Also, I've got this picture: