[ PCP ] The Month Ahead

Day 2,308, 16:10 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ayame Crocodile

Hey everyone!

Firstly thank you ever so much for electing me as Spokesman of the PCP again! (so long as all the votes were real 😛 ) It's an honour to have such trust and support, Which is what I've always felt within our great party.

And I'd now like to go through some of what I hope to achieve during this month and kindly ask for opinions and a hand if you can spare it in achieving some of these goals.

Party Guides & New Graphics

As you can see I'm using the style of graphics that didn't really get much use a few months ago. This month however I want to use the navigation regularly, which means that I'll be writing guides and would like to ask anyone else who is interested to message me (the topics will relate to ePolitics in general, Congress and Party Guides such as a New members hand book).

Also that means I'll also try my best to get some new sexy party graphics made up to use in articles, Again any other budding graphic artists send me anything you make!

Congress & Selection System

We spoke about this at the last meeting and it's imperative we get moving on the subject. I'll be making a group pm tomorrow afternoon in order to discuss and devise a system for selecting the order of congress candidates. However it may well not be put before the entire party as a proposal until after the next elections, In which case I'll do my best to make it as fair a selection as possible, both for those who have well represented the party in congress in the past and those who have yet to have a chance.

So if you intend to run for congress please candidate now as it's only just over a week away!

Regular Meetings

Communication is always vital, especially for a party that prides itself on a belief in enfrachisement of all members and building from consensus.

To that end I intend to organise a meeting once a week. In order to know what time and days suit the most people please go check the party feed and comment on the post about this article with times that you'd like the meeting to be held at.

Maintaining the Fun

We've been having quite a bit of fun recently with the PCP Olympics and the Pub Quiz and that will be carrying on, Though I'd very much like for others to have a chance to run games or competitions so once more post ideas on the party feed.

And if you're interested in taking over the running of the PCP Olympics, message me and don't worry about not having prizes to give, they'll be provided. Otherwise I'll continue. The same also applies to the Pub Quiz, which will be on each week at 8pm gmt on Sunday's, So if you wish to either write or run one weeks quiz let me know 😉


Recruitment is vital for every Political Party, So I'll be restarting our old system of messaging, Whereby anyone can get involved and I'll post info over the next few days in the feed (if you haven't realised yet, keep an eye out there for things going on 😃 )

However I have a firm belief that passive recruitment is the best recruitment, Messaging does bring some new players into the party but far more important is having a media presence and showing activity. It's active and enthusiastic new players who read the media, that want to get involved who see this and it's members with passion and interest that have most to bring.

And as a reward for those who help maintain the PCP presence in the media at the end of each week I'll post a thread on the feed for you to post any articles you've published within the week preceding (The topic doesn't matter at all and it doesn't matter if you mentioned the party or not, however I'm sure that can't hurt!). A day or so later we'll have a vote on another thread in the feed and the winner of best article by a PCP member of the week will win 10g.

Party Positions & DIY

I'd like to open Party Positions up to application, If you want to write party communiques, help organise meetings, run any party program or have another idea to other. Then please message me with what position you'd like to apply for and what you plan to do if given the position.

Finally I'd like to remind everyone that I am just the Spokesman of the PCP and so I am only attempting to pool together our efforts and raise activity, But if you have an idea and can't wait to chat with me or anyone else, Then just go for it. The only thing I'd like to ask is that you do not present anything you propose or run as the Party's official position but as your own as a member of the PCP, just to avoid any arguments 😉

Just a quick reminder that tomorrow I'll be publishing the results of the 5th event and announcing the next event of the PCP Olympics and of course as already mentioned the Pub Quiz is on #PCP at 8pm tonight/11.00 eRep time. So come join us for some fun and a chat!

Everyone is welcome 🙂

Right I think that's everything finally xD And as always thank you for reading and once again thank you for voting for me!