[Pat4Parliament] My Plan

Day 2,068, 21:05 Published in Australia Argentina by Pat McCrutch

Australia, I'm about to run for Senate, and I don't want to be someone who gets chosen based on merit, or their ability to help Australia. I want to be chosen cause I was one of those guys that actually had a presentation link.

I've been all over the country talking to my constituents and asking about your opinions.These are the priorities that I've decided you all should probably want.

My First Priority as a Senator will be tougher border protection. I don't mean keeping countries from invading us, that's a job for someone far more qualified. I'm talking about boat people. If you entrust your citizenship passes to me, I'll make sure that no one from a different culture, with different points of view, different styles of living and different ideas gets accepted. Imagine the consequences, Australia. We've accepted 29 illegal immigrants into this country so far this term of congress, that's what I call unacceptable.

Are you a communist/socialist? If you answered yes, move to priority three. My Second Priority will be to ensure the eradication of all communism and/or socialism from eAustralia. These people have ideas that differ greatly from mine, and we can't accept that Australia. NO MORE SHARING!

Priority Three: The economy.I will fix the economy using a 5 pillar economy....

4. There will be no Carbon Tax under my watch. Mostly because I don't know how the hell that would work on here.....

So, next election day, don't focus on advancing Australia. Let's focus on the important things. Stronger borders, no communists, five pillar economy, No Carbon Tax.
