[Pat4AustralianRevolutionaryParty-Party President] Statement of Intent

Day 1,999, 15:37 Published in Australia Argentina by Pat McCrutch

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,

I have been told to write an article pertaining as to why I should be the next Party President of the ARP.

Well people, I'm here to promise you that under my leadership, we will put the extra 'a' back in "Partay". Under this 'Partay Prez', Partay-ness will improve by 4634365% (that's only an approximation, I will correct it when I have figures.)

I will also single-handedly free all regions of Australia back during my term as PP. With, my designated ARP Envoy Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen because of her ability to get along with everyone.*

*This is a lie. Terms and Conditions apply.

I've also been told that I have an opponent in MrCooke, who will also be contesting for the esteemed position of ARP PP.

MrCooke, I wish you the best of luck and I hope that we can each have very positive and constructive campaigns. 🙂

But who is MrCooke?

Many completely unreliable sources agree that he hates puppies. Can you let a puppy-hater like him get into power, where he can probably kick even more puppies?

Don't take that risk Australia. On the 15th of May when you're choosing your Party President, Vote for Pat McCrutch, Patriot, Partay person and Puppy-lover.

If you aren't from the ARP, feel free to vote for me anyway. I can lead as many parties as necessary.

Pat 'The Partay Prez' McCrutch