[PARTIET] Why I choose Partiet and what they have done for me!

Day 1,275, 11:05 Published in Sweden Sweden by Snaskefar
Why I choose Partiet and what they have done for me!

Edit: After the admins sent me some angry letters and deleted all my work (glad I saved it before), I posted it again now child friendly.

Hey my name is Victor Henriksson (hope to god that the admins changes it to Lychan soon) this is my first article and it’s going to be on why I choose Partiet and maybe why you should choose it too.

When I first came eRepublik in Apr 18, 2011 Day 1,245 of the New World, I thought WTF, what’s the deal with this two click game? The first thing I got was a message from Valnad because he was president and then Alatom messaged me and told we how I should start and helped me with the basics of the game which was a huge help, so big thanks.

Then my message box got with socialist propaganda and promises of free food from Folkhemsdemokraterna, so I once again went WTF? And then I went I don't wanna hug all communist stupid doodooheads, do I really have to deal with them on the internet as well. Big let down off the game. But it made me realise I needed a political party that wasn’t left wing. So then I got Flashback, Partiet, Norsefire, Gammlingarna and FRONT. Well I didn’t like the far right options so I stood with Flashback and Partiet.

Flashback Sweden seemed like a party that people joined because its sounds cool. Everybody knows what Flashback is. But that isn’t a reason to join it. At the forums I saw to much trolling and unserious people under the Flashback banner. There is a place for it and it’s Sandlådan on .se.

So when I at last choose Partiet it was because they were really active in the forms and they didn’t troll at all. They didn’t talk so much doodoo and they felt more experienced. Valnad seemed like a strong and trusted leader and was very inspiring how he kept his ground in the war with Russia and China. (WOW that sounded SO flamboyant) I am also made of scanian blood so I joined Snapphaneklanen as soon as I could and Quicktech as the leader of Snapphaneklanen helped me a lot in how the game worked, how the politics worked and what I could expect. A major thing was also that they helped me in the beginning and they are still helping me without ever trying to push their politics on me or tried to bribe me with gifts, they do it because they love the game and wants people to have a good time while playing.

I think that Partiet can take Homonavia to greatness and that with work we might unite Scandinavia and make it a force to be reckoned with.

I will continue to be a part of Partiet and I will continue to post political articles. Thanks a lot to Papaya and W3st3rb3rg for the chance to be a part of Partiets Ungdomsorganisation I hope that it will help me getting a bit of edge in the beginning.

I wrote this in english because we live in homonavia and if you have a problem with it you can eat some ice cream

Ålarens till admins som blir lissna i ögat för inget...