[Parliament] Appleby for Mongress (non-lulz manifesto)

Day 3,017, 13:41 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Humphrey Appleby

Good evenin’ gents!

This last parliamentary term we’ve seen diffident but important strides towards greater community involvement in the political process. It is a seemingly labyrinthine system to most of us but the main principle behind it remains largely the same since its inception under the constitution – maintaining stability and accountability through a healthy balance of power between the various groups of the eUK and branches of government. But prominently, that such a stable system would allow a slow process of decentralisation away from the ‘established elite’ to the greater public.

February’s term has seen the publication of Congressional discussion and several referenda on the main concerns facing our community. Whilst some of us may disagree on the results of such, the broader picture presents itself as fulfilling the objectives of the public more assertively imposing its electoral authority on their supposed representatives. And as the community only gets smaller, I expect the impact of this authority on national decision making will only get greater.

Disappointingly the public drive for more reform has stalled a bit in light of these changes. A few weeks ago it was nice to see so many people from many different areas of the eUK giving their thoughts on how we could evolve the current process and gather more interest in decision making. Certainly, in a game as simple as eRep, we have tried for years to add extra elements to the ingame basics to make the place seem slightly less ‘farmville’. The rich variety of opinion that the community can offer when interested certainly surpasses in ambition any update we can expect from the game admins.

So tl;dr, my manifesto is to try and use public sessions of mongress to spark more reform and discussions on how we can improve. After all, the chief objective of a UK Reform Party MP is to help… Reform!

Apologies for the lack of jokes/banter, will try and make the next article less painful to filter through 😛

Cheers, as always,
