[Para] Fighting in the Face of the Enemy

Day 778, 12:29 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by 1nterestingch4racter

As the door opened out onto the helipad, a cold gust of Atlantic air rattled through the compartment. The abandoned desolate oil rig that had been our home for the past few days had turned into a bustle of activity. As snow blew in from the north, we were all advised to kit up with snow visors and attach thermal scopes to our weapons as we headed out onto the platform.

The rig itself was dwarfed by the two navy destroyers that had pulled along side, restocking on weapons and ammunition after the long and brutal Germanic campaign. Despite losses and the bad weather, spirits were high as everyone pulled together to get the job done. I got roped into helping to shift ammunition to HMS Will Salmon, no means an easy task as the helicopters ferrying troops/ammunition were taking a battering by the wind.

The sheer size of the vessel took my breath away and as I helped unload the boxes they were rushed away by enthusiastic navy members, all playing their part to ensure the powerful beast ran like clockwork. I must say I admire their courage, I’m not a great lover of boats and being on one in the middle of a storm is something I’m in no hurry to accomplish. Alas, it was time to return to the rig to prepare for our attack, as the navy crews steered their vessels north to take part in the distraction attack and bombardment of the Polish coast.

As I reunited with my squad, battle orders were relayed and the mood became tense. Rumours of the new Polish army had begun to circulate, but we each knew that it was our duty to stand beside and fight alongside our Dutch allies. There was no turning back now, all that could be done is to help prepare and to await the helicopter ride that would take us into the midst of battle.

Finally they were ready and the choppers carrying us ploughed towards the coast. Reaching the Belgian coast (towns filled with refugees fleeing from their homes amidst the conflict) we plotted a course towards the town of Luik-Liege, a UNL stronghold in the Walloon region. Evidence of the devastation became more apparent as we approached the battlefield. Fields of burnt out crops, country villages reduced to rubble under the weight of Polish bombardment. The sights filled the soldiers with rage and adrenaline started to kick in as we began to get pumped up, desperate for action to avenge our poor allies. Then we saw them.

By god, there were thousands of them. A loosely organised mob of peasants, descending onto the town like a plague and pillaging everything they could find. Phoenix forces had already been forced back behind the second line of fortifications and it looked like the Poles were forcing their way through. We were airdropped onto a building still controlled by the United Netherlands army and quickly surveyed the battlefield. A spawning of untrained masses charged towards us without direction, something we used to our advantage.

A counter attack was quickly planned and executed with highly trained troops being deployed behind tanks and force the rabble back where they came from. Fighting was intense in the close streets and many times we were pinned down with only the bear minimum of cover. But we were strong, we prevailed and we had just about driven them out of the ravaged suburbs when we heard a thundering noise.

I only managed to dive away before a shell tore through our unit’s tank, reducing it to a smouldering heap of burning metal. More explosions rained overhead as more units came under heavy barrages of fire. The EDEN Mobile Corps had arrived. Dazed and unawares, Phoenix troops had little time to react as Polish peasants seized the initiative and began to retake the town.

I turned to see our Commanding Officer yelling orders and directing our troops to the building we had been dropped off at. In the confusion we had to get out of the town before reinforcements arrived and we were captured by enemy hordes. More tank fire as we made the final dash for the building came as a sharp reminder of the dangers, taking down and injuring many paras with shrapnel.

We were struck with despair as we finally made it to the roof of the building. Our helicopter was struck by ever approaching EDEN fighter planes and exploded into a violent fireball. With enemy troops closing in, it seemed our only rescue would be from our allies. And it was. A UNL helicopter, under heavy fire itself risked sacrificing themselves for our safely, and carried us behind enemy lines.

Because that is what allies do.
Because, when the Polish hordes arrive on our shores, we will not be alone.
Our allies will stand and fight for us, as we stand and fight for them.

Civilians! Your Country needs You!

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Reporting from the Front,
IndieKid, Special Forces – Second in Command