[PAA] eUK Political Statistics #8

Day 754, 11:43 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Avlana Kiarunto
#19 13/12/09

This week won’t have as many graphs and charts, but I will from now on include the ratio of membership to congressman in each party with congressman in my tables, and there will be a bit more news than usual. Blue stands for a change since last week, green is an increase and red is a decrease. Also, if anyone can tell me a way of saving the images without bugging up the quality, please tell me. Statistics are according to yesterday afternoon.





Membership has gone slightly back up overall since yesterday. Navy rotations mess stuff up.

Membership Over The Past Couple Of Months-



As you can see the UKRP is slowly closing the gap with The Unity Party. It has slowed down though. Winston L.S. Churchill claimed that the UKRP would catch up with the TUP certainly by the 17th December, but even that seems very ambitious, especially this close to that date.



Since yesterday parties have spent gold (probably on advertising, but I wouldn’t know for sure since I’m in Russia), but the UKRP still has the most. I really need to try to publish articles as quickly as possible after the information is collected...



The Unity Party now has the most people in congress after JerryGFL resigned for this month.
Political Orientation Statistics-


Despite a left wing party being the top party in the eUK and a left wing party having the majority in congress, overall the right wing have a slight advantage over the left.


Party President Electioms

Tuesday are the eWorldwide PP elections. In this country, Raziel Darkheart will battle Winston L.S. Churchill to try to regain the UKRP PP seat. Stefan1992 will try to keep his position as PP of the TUP and Draaglom is the official candidate for the PCP, who is hoping for a 2nd term if there isn’t a PTO.

Winston To Go?

Tuesday it looks very possible that Winston L.S. Churchill will be kicked out of the UKRP PP seat after a long and memorable month. Over this month he has overturned eUK politics and made many enemies with his strong right wing views and controversial style of government. He has been accused as a racist, a liar and a hypocrite. He has started to show signs of panic and has even put himself as the candidate of the UKRP for CP next month.

Finally, this. The eVatican was started by Winston. He claims that everyone is welcome.


Just more evidence…don’t worry, hopefully it won’t be long now