[P89 4 CP] For the Empire!

Day 2,934, 12:10 Published in Canada Canada by Kaminarinote

Face front, Imperials!

Punisher 1389, sovereign leader of the Imperial Party of eCanada, asks for your aid! A restored republic, free from the tyrannical grip of a dictator, is the perfect ground for a new empire. Just as the overthrow of Rome's monarchs led to the republic that led to the Roman Empire, so too shall this be, albeit fast-tracked. To this end, I hand the dual crown of the President-of-Canada and Emperor of North America to Punisher for his quest. This mythical artefact will grant him the strength he needs to lead, as it did me. I will stand by him as his lieutenant (pronounce it like it has an "F" in it for some reason), and march solemnly on toward victory.

Shortly, your future president will address his people with the tools he will require to rebuild Canada's community. From the talons of death we will emerge. From the maws of madness, we will emerge. From the sticky hands of danger, we will emerge. From the sharp, pointy teeth of rabbits, we will emerge. From the wings of draconian tyranny, we will emerge. From the swarms of the bees of bureaucracy, we will emerge. From the humidity of humiliation, we will emerge. From the fingers of feudalism, we will emerge. From the rhinovirus of revolution, we will emerge. From the evils of truth and love, we will emerge. From Russia with love, we will emerge. From A to Z, we will emerge!

Ye who remain: Punisher shall make thee active once again, but you must help him. You are the Lazarus Punisher will heal, but you must have faith! Necromancy isn't easy, not even for an eDemigod! Away with the old old guard, it's time to usher in the new old guard! For Canada, for North America, for the Empire!

- B.L.