我們的未來,我的意見(個人對未來的淺見) Our Future, My Opinion

Day 1,576, 22:13 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by Sadanaga


過去的幾個月裡,我們所做的是在起義戰中戰鬥。登入。哇!SK與JP的起義戰打了數十億回?我猜我必須輸出在那裏。而遊戲的新意在何處?當開啟遊戲時所尋求的樂趣在何處?或是已經歸究於我討厭某某在現實生活裡,所以就消滅他們然後其他事什麼也不做。難道我們如此渺小?為什麼不做些我們從未做過的事?是的,我們可能會面臨失敗。但這只是個遊戲。可能會發生什麼事?最壞的情況下,我們可能會被全滅。但沒什麼大不了的!至少我們嘗試著去做某些有趣的事總比坐在那兒不動等著生老病死的好。也許你會想說「我們一路從台北打到爪哇,雙管齊下的(譯者按 NE戰+RW戰)入侵印尼,一戰接著一戰,我們發現我們從未這樣做過。」或你可能會想說,「我星期一在Jeollanam的起義戰輸出、我星期二在Jeollanam的起義戰輸出...星期三...星期四...星期五與星期六,但我星期日輸出在Kanto起義戰。」哪種對你而言較有趣呢?

你們知道的,我很久以前就學到在erep裡,你應該放下你在現實生活中的仇恨,他會毀了這遊戲,看看erep裡的歐洲吧,他們作的所有事情就是不斷和同樣的人戰爭,這好玩在哪裡?羅馬尼亞和匈牙利大戰了12053485830537回合!哇這聽起來真是有趣。然後,為什麼我們還沒有加入EDEN呢?三個月過去了,我們還是在EDEN的花園(或是什麼其他的東西)裡,如同印度跟阿爾巴尼亞一般,他們在GEA裡待了比我們還久,然後還是待在裡面,為什麼我們不被允許進入EDEN?難道對他們而言我們不夠重要嗎?以我所見,我會說:「對」,他們並不是真的很在乎我們,你也許會問:「好吧,那他們在乎什麼咧?」,噢我不知道,土耳其和保加利亞的愚蠢的爭執,EDEN HQ 要了解很困難嗎?你需要有100%的EDEN會員同意才會被允許加入,好了現在土耳其來了,保加利亞投了反對,好了討論結束~,這有什麼困難?最近EDEN把這樣的高中校園生活小鬧劇變成了大家的焦點,那我們在哪裡咧?答對囉依然在GEA,無論他該死的是什麼東西。


你知道為什麼我討厭人們將RL仇恨帶入這遊戲中嗎?因為這將限制了思維,摧毀這個國家。然而,一旦國家被摧毀,下一步該何去何從?無他,我們只是坐在那兒一動也不動。這有何樂趣?我想我一次次的在這重複訴說這道理,但嚴肅的是,遊戲的樂趣何在?過去幾個月,我們聲稱占領韓國的理由是他們親近ONE。這很好,因為是事實。但現在呢?如果他們的總統說,他們將脫離ONE呢?在此前提下(註:占領韓國的理由是他們親近ONE),ONE在東亞的代表就此消失。但你可能會反問:「但sada,他們仍有許多ONE會員國的mpp,他們是我們的敵人!」是的,他們仍有ONE的mpp套餐。但在沒有任何一個Eden/Terra的會員國認為他們會換mpp的情況下,他們能與Eden/Terra的會員國簽下mpp?ONE現在搞砸了就像幾個月前的Eden一樣。我沒有說你必須喜歡它,但在不清楚認識他們之前輕視他們的行為是天真的,為什麼不能對我們的鄰居顯示多一點友好。如果我們給他們一點和平,或許我們可以與他們和平共處,或許我們可以成為盟友。你認為在eROC剛創建之時eC是對我們友善的嗎?我不這麼認為。但當我們向eC問到是否能成為盟友及簽下mpp時(註:V1時期簽mpp需要100g,兩邊加起來200g,所以最初只能簽下兩個mpp),他們同意了。回過頭來看,eROC與eC友誼長存。如果我們真正的任務是阻止ONE的勢力在東亞發展,這麼看來也許KITA Ikki的東亞聯盟之夢可以實現。當我們不必在接受遠方國家的指揮時,台灣,eC,南韓及日本,至少可以一起開個會了解他們需要什麼條件。或是我們都在強烈的仇恨下,其做法就像歐洲人一樣的好戰?我想我們比他們好太多了。但或許我錯了。


譯者:感謝lisalee幫忙翻譯第三段~~,翻譯諸多語句不順請各位見諒了,建議閱讀原文比較能理解sada的意思喔。另外sada有提到歡迎與他討論,多多討論並尊重包容不同聲音對eROC(and RL...)才是好的,另外我quit了所以就不用知道我是誰了,感謝各位耐心看完文章口卡。

English Version
As you know, the Admins continue to make this game consistently more boring and dull as possible for us to play. But it is not only their actions/stupidity that makes this game boring, it also is the style(or lack of style) that also kills the game for us.

For the past few months, all we have done is fight in RWs. Log in. Oh what's that a SK and/or JP RW for the billionth time? guess i'll have to fight in that. Where is the creativity? where is the fun that we all sought for when starting this game? Or has it seriously boiled down to "I hate so&so in real life, so lets just destroy them here and then do nothing." Are we really that petty? Why don't we actually go do something that we have never done before? Sure, we might fail. But this is a GAME. What's going to happen? Worse case scenario, we are wiped. Big deal! At least we tried to do something interesting than sit here and grow sick and tired of this repetition. Don't you want to say "Yea, we went all the way from Taipei to Java, in the two prong invasion of Indonesia and I fought in this battle and this battle, we have never done that before. Or do you want to say, "Yea, i fought in the Jeollanam RW Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, but i fought in the Kanto RW on Sunday. Which one sounds more interesting to you?

You know, I learned a long time ago that in erep, you should leave your RL hate behind. It ruins the game. Just look at Europe in erep, all they do is fight the same people! How is that fun? Romania Vs. Hungary round 12053485830537! wow, that sounds like a lot of fun. Also, Why haven't we been entered into Eden yet? it's been 3 months, and yet we are still in Garden of Eden, whatever that is. Same with India and Albania, they have been in GEA for many more months than we have, yet are still in GEA. Why are we not allowed into Eden? Are we not important enough to them? From what I see, I would say yes, they do not really care about us. What do they care about instead you may ask? Oh, I don't know, Turkey and Bulgaria's stupid quarrels. how hard is it for Eden HQ to understand? You need 100% of the vote from the members of Eden to be accepted into the brotherhood. Ok, Turkey comes up, Bulgaria votes no, END OF DISCUSSION. How hard was that? Yet Eden has turned this high school drama into the main spotlight of erep into recent days, and where are we? Yep, still in GEA, whatever the hell that is.

This is why I have not and probably will not ever run for CP. Because the idea I have are much different from the ones others have. Why not invade Indonesia? They have attacked us many times, and we have never returned the favor. Why not try to go to South America? Or at the very least, have some fun in South East Asia? Now, most of you will probably hate me because I do not ring my RL hatred of nationalities into this game, or that I am too soft on the Koreans. Even now just because of this article I will never be elected to congress or asked to be MOFA again. If that's how you feel, then that's ok with me. But let me add that for eROC, I have always and will always do what I think is best for eROC. The only principle that overrules that is when our CP orders me to do something, I will do as he says.

You know why i hate when people bring RL hate into this game? Because, it narrows it down to one dimension. Destroy that nation. Then, once you destroy that nation, what to do next? Nothing, we just sit there and do nothing. How is that fun? I mean maybe I'm repeating myself over and over again here, but seriously, how is that fun? Now in recent months our claim for occupying South Korea is that they are Pro-ONE. That's fine, because its true. But what about now? What if their CP says that they don't want to be Pro-ONE anymore? Then our whole premise of stopping the presence of ONE is East Asia is GONE. You might say, "but Sada, they still have many mpps with ONE nations, they are our enemies!" True, they do still have all ONE mpps. But how exactly are they supposed to get Eden/Terra mpps when no one from Eden/Terra thinks they will switch? ONE has screwed them just as badly as Eden did months ago. I'm not saying you have to like them, but to despise them without even knowing them is naive, Why not show some friendliness and actually be neighbors for once? If we give them an easy peace, one that both we and they can live with, maybe they will become our friend. Do you think we thought back in the creation of eROC that China would be friendly with us? I sure didn't. But what we did was we asked them if they would like to be our allies and mpp with us (a big deal back in the days of V1, since a mpp costed 100 gold from both sides of the mpp, so we could only sign two Mpps in the beginning) and they agreed. Now look at our two nations, great allies and friends. Maybe one day KITA Ikki's dream of a East Asian Alliance can be fulfilled. With Taiwan, China, South Korea, and Japan. At least have a meeting with them so we can find out what terms they want, if our mission truly was to stop the presence of ONE in East Asia. Where one day we don't have to take orders from countries that are far away and frankly, don't really give a shit about us. Or is our hate of one another so strong that all we do is fight each other like the Europeans? I though we were better than that. Maybe I was wrong.

f you disagree with me, which I'm sure most of you guys do, then talk to me about it on IRC or in game private message. I hope my countrymen do not think lesser of me for voicing my own personal opinions and I will not think less of you for disagreeing with me. But I think we need to think of more fun things to do than carry out our RL hatred over and over again.

Thanks Eustia and Lisa for translation