ÖIP - Party Platform

Day 1,395, 14:07 Published in Austria Austria by Rangeley

The Österreich Independence Party believes in three guiding principles: liberty, respect, and independence. These principles have applications in all aspects of life in eAustria, and below I will explain some of these.


Austria will benefit from a healthy political dialogue, with competitive parties and discussion. It is never your political allies who will take your ideas the furthest. By being forced to justify ideas and actions, they become more thought out - and can therefore better help Austria.

To this end, the government should never be used as a tool by one faction to bludgeon another - it should instead actively seek to foster an open political environment, where citizens feel free to speak their mind and introduce ideas. This extends to within a government as well: cabinets should be constructed to include diverse opinions, to ensure a healthy discussion and consideration of issues occurs at the highest levels.


There is a clear danger from centralizing too much power anywhere - this is true for economics as well. The government should not control the economy - it should look to enable natural creativity and competition. Voluntary communes, or endeavors driven by capital, can exist side by side and both provide benefit to Austria. The freedom to chose and pursue either path, is one the government should protect.

Foreign Affairs

Austria has experienced occupation, and political takeovers. We should never seek to put others through the same - revenge seeking is no virtue. Our energy should be used to rise above this urge, and build a better world than the one we find before us.

We should fight for our sovereignty, and for the sovereignty of our friends and allies - but avoid superalliance structures which would control our foreign policy. Diplomacy is key: friendships should be built - and are the strongest - when they are directly with nations; not with middle men in between.

Liberty, Respect, Independence

While there are many concepts which translate poorly into eRepublik, treating others the way you would wish to be treated is one that finds a natural home here, in a game driven by social interaction. We can direct the government towards these aims: towards ensuring liberty and freedom of choice, towards being respectful at home and abroad, and towards protecting our independence and sovereignty as a nation.

Join us in the official chat room of eAustria, #austria on irc.rizon.net, or through this link.