[Open Letter] EST/EN

Day 943, 23:52 Published in Estonia Estonia by Albertti

[EST] English translation below


Minu mängijanimi Erepublikus on Albertti (eEesti president), olen juba ligi 60 päeva bännitud Erepubliku foorumist, seepärast ei ole mul võimalik avaldada foorumis enam arvamust enda kasutajanime alt ja olen sunnitud avaldama antud posti enda organisatsiooni alt.

Ma ei hakka kirjeldama siin ticketite numbreid, millest edaspidi juttu saab olema, administraatorid suudavad need ise kah (loodetavasti) ülesse leida.

Kuidas saab olla, et riikliku tähtsusega küsimustele vastamiseks ei leita aega ja ei peeta nende käsitlemist prioriteetseks. Kodanik valitakse presidendiks üheks kuuks, kui selle aja jooksul on vaja pöörduda administraatorite poole, siis see ei ole võimalik, kuna pileteid lihtsalt ei käsitleta 50-ne päeva jooksul ja kui su ametiaeg peaks vahepeal lõppema, siis on ju lihtne öelda lihtsalt, et seda asja peab ajama president. Ühe eEesti piletiga seotud küsimusega just nii oligi, eelmisele pileti tegijale öeldi, et selle pileti peab esitama president. Mina seda ka 30.04!!! tegin, vastust sellele senini ei ole tulnud. 03.04 tehtud piletile vastati 30.04, kui olin teinud foorumis avatud kirja, edaspidine kontakt jälle null. Kas tõesti lihtsalt oodatakse, et vahetuks president ja sellise mure saaks kaelast ära?

Miks ma sõna võtan?

Üks põhjus selleks on see, et ma tahan, et mulle ja eEestile tähtsad küsimused saaksid lähiajal normaalse lahenduse, teiseks soovin ma pöörata administraatorite tähelepanu sellele, et mängijatugi on Erepublikus täiest mitterahuldav.

Erepublikut mängib tänastel andmetel 350K inimest üle terve maailma, loomulikult on see suur maht, samas kas see on nii suur maht, et kuuga ei suudeta vastata piletitele? Olen ise GM (GameMaster) mängus, kus on 880K kasutajat ja minul on seal kohustus vastata kirjadele kolme päeva jooksul. Mina igatahes näeksin suurt arengupotentsiaali ja suunda, kuhu liikuda ka Erepubliku meeskonnal või ehk ei nähta selles probleemi.

Ma loodan, et sellel korral te mõistate mind ja vastate minu avatud piletitele ja võtate minu kasutajalt maha selle ebamõistlikult karmi foorumikeelu.

Lisan ka lingi [url] http://forum.erepublik.com/showthread.php/98131-Open-letter-concerning-the-work-of-administrators?p=1195229#post1195229[/url]antud postitusele foorumis, palun hääletage see artikkel maailma TOP-i.

Lugupidamisega ja vastust ootama jäädes,
eEesti kodaniks ja president.


Open letter concerning the work of administrators.

Hi everybody!

My name in eRep is Albertti and I am the President of eEstonia, for 4th time in a row by now. The reason I am posting this letter using my organization is the fact that my Citizen's account has been banned from this forum for 50 days by now.

I will not mention the numbers of tickets that are related to this post, admins are able to track them themselves... Well... at least they should be...

I can not understand, how can it be that there is no time to handle issues of NATIONAL IMPORTANCE. On the contrary - they are considered to be of NO priority at all. As you know, a president is elected for one month here. Should the president need to approach the admins, it may turn out as an Impossible mission as the tickets are NOT being handled throughout the whole month and, should one's term end, they would get the reply saying "Sorry, a ticket like that MUST be issued by the PRESIDENT". And another month goes by... With the same result for the second elected president... Well, hypothetically...

To the point: I issued a ticket on 30th of APRIL! Until now (21th of JUNE) there has been NO reply whatsoever. The reason for the ticket was the reply I got from admins on 30.04 (!) to a ticket issued on 03.04 (!) And the "reply" was received only because I wrote another open letter in the forum here. So... I got banned... and a totally unacceptable "reply" to the ticket - no contact since then. Did they hope that the president would change so they would get the problem off their backs? Guess what? I am STILL HERE!

Why am i writing this letter?

The main reason - I would like the issues important to me and ALL eEstonians getting a reasonable result in due course. Secondly I would like to draw the attention of admins to the fact that the quality of player support in eRep... I don't even know how to say it nicely... It just sucks... big time 🙁

According to my information there are about 350 THOUSAND people playing eRepublik from all around the world. Of course, that is a huge crowd to manage but are there really SO MANY problems that you are unable to answer to a ticket in 50 days? I am a GM (GameMaster) in a game with 880.000+ players and I am obliged to reply to ANY letter within 3(!!!) days. Therefore I see GREAT development potential for the eRepublik team. It seems to me that they don't seem to care...

I hope that I manage to get the point across to you this time. I also hope you remove the unreasonably rough punishment in the form of ban from this forum.

I hereby add the link to my article referring to this post in forum [url] http://forum.erepublik.com/showthread.php/98131-Open-letter-concerning-the-work-of-administrators?p=1195229#post1195229[/url]. Please vote it to international TOP.

I shall be waiting for your prompt reply, dear admins.

Yours sincerely,
Citizen and President of eEstonia

P.S. I dare you NOT to respond that "it is our political fight and you do not intend to interfere". YOU banned the NATIONAL ORGANIZATION, there is NO POLITICAL COMPETITION regarding this matter. And, in case you haven't noticed - there is NOTHING WE can do about PERMANENT SUSPENSIONS!