[Only Now] Collinar interviews Future POTUS, Onishi

Day 1,109, 04:43 Published in USA USA by Collinar
Vote in Onishi's new Presidental poll: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/eus-presidential-opinion-poll-1593320/1/20

Good day Amerikan people,
I am a new player in the Amerikan community, you may know me from the forums and maybe I trolled you on irc but from now youre also stuck with me on the media. My newspaper will be reformed with a new series of designs and some series of interviews!

Our first and grand interview will start with Onishi.
Onishi is a active Amerikan player that is known around the forum, irc and maybe even seen him around the Amerikan media. I have met him on the #sees irc channel and from then we became good friends, we sometimes kill the Amerikan forums together and I slowly understood that he is much moar than any other Amerikan guy, so lets see what we can learn from the interview.

Collinar: Onishi, for months now you influence the Amerikan public, how did you come to this level of greatness to do it?

Onishi: Well Collinar, it has been a combination of good luck and my irresistible charm. I am also older and have a better memory than most players, so it's quite easy to use my superior knowledge rather than hard work to impress people. I've worked in most fields in the eUS, and worked extensively with most of whom we'd consider the very influential people in the current times, so this has helped.

Collinar: Onishi, in which Amerikan party did you start and which Amerikan party do you support today?

Onishi: I have been in most American parties. I started off in the Yellow Party under Lowell Kennedy in November and December 2008, and I was elected to congress on Christmas day '08 under the USWP, in a deal with the YP. When the YP dissolved I ignored politics for a while and concentrated on the military and economical side of the game, although I believe I lurked in the Libs for a while. I then became an active Lib during Spring and Summer '09, and then finally moving to SEES around September '09. I stayed there for a while, and then became a Fed in September '10 for a few days, and now I am back to SEES again.

Collinar: To where do you think your political eLife develop from here?

Onishi: I intend on running for President of Amurica in January, so that is the next step.

Collinar: What do you think on the current taxes?

Onishi: The current tax rate is very appropriate I think. I still have a lot of take home cash after I work, and I'm sure most people do. The simple fact of the matter is that the government needs money to fund it's various programs (military, welcoming committee etc.), and people aren't going to donate their own money freely. Our current economy is quite stable, and I don't feel the need to upset this balance, as better minds than mine have set it up.

Collinar: Onishi who will you support in the coming elections and why?

Onishi: I am currently torn between Emerick/Scrab and Frost/PiZ. I am good friends with all four of these people. They are all great players of the game, all very capable, yet none of them are the be all and end all. They all have the enthusiasm and the knowledge to do a great job in the Seat, and I haven't formed a final judgment just yet.

Collinar: And if you would have had to vote now?

Onishi: You're keen to get an answer out of me aren't you? Honestly right now I would click on Frost/PiZ as while their candidacy was initially a joke, they have proved themselves to be deadly serious about it. So far we don't know if the Emerick/Scrab candidacy is serious or not.

Collinar: One last question Onishi, where do you see eUS in two months?

Onishi: In two months, the eUS will have gone through this Presidential term, which promises to be a very interesting one, and my Presidential term, which I promise to be a even more interesting and profitable one. It is my fullest intention to work on the re-invigoration of the eUS populace, and make it fun to play this game as an American citizen once again. I also see a lot of younger players getting much more involved than before. We've been a very elitist society for far too long, and it's time for this to change. Being an oldsnork is great fun, but sometimes you just need those new ideas to add a bit of extra snorke.

We understand Onishi is a interesting person that will soon be in the highest stages of the Amerikan politics, I am sure we all are waiting to see to where he will develop from here.


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