[ONE PROPAGANDA]Meanwhile, at the Brotherhood

Day 1,573, 04:25 Published in Spain Spain by Siddy Tramero

From the last EDEN summit:

Greece Opinion on Bulgaria

hawkoulis[GR] how when you have to care about your bonuses?

hawkoulis[GR] No Absfresh[BG] you want to be in a stronger place at the negotiation
hawkoulis[GR] you dont want eden
hawkoulis[GR] only power
mr_kouva Abfresh[BG] want brotherhood or you are in EDEN to see bonus?
hawkoulis[GR] you are using eden
hawkoulis[GR] you are using the brotherhood to gain bonuses

Absfresh[BG] Bulgaria is the country with the second largest population in Eden
Absfresh[BG] and with the smallest numper of bonusses
hawkoulis[GR] so what?

hawkoulis[GR] Absfresh[BG] if we restore you with your rules you ll gain an advantage against turkey

hawkoulis[GR] Absfresh[BG] i cant allow to use the brothehood and blackmail in our name Turkey that was a trial member and itsnt cause of you and your bonus
Absfresh[BG] forget about bonus
hawkoulis[GR] how?
Absfresh[BG] this has no matter
Absfresh[BG] no
hawkoulis[GR] you started a war for this inside eden?

hawkoulis[GR] i said you started a figth inside eden for your bonuses

hawkoulis[GR] Erius[FIN]
hawkoulis[GR] and then bulgaria
hawkoulis[GR] will gain an advantage against turkey
hawkoulis[GR] and blackmail them
hawkoulis[GR] with their vote

hawkoulis[GR] to someone that knows what he want and he has something to offer
hawkoulis[GR] and you arent in position to know what do you want
hawkoulis[GR] .

About Romania choosing between their 1-year long ally and Turkey

GeluRomanu[RO] i read all you said here and i came to a conclusion. ONE is weak because Turkey decided to come and be PRO EDEN, they accepted basically mostly all of EDEN's conditions so in my opinion if it's to vote for Bulgaria's Full membership i find it fair to accept Turkey as trial in EDEN too
GeluRomanu[RO] i personally want both
GeluRomanu[RO] but Turkey did some eforts for EDEN in the past months
GeluRomanu[RO] i can't chose from one of them

GeluRomanu[RO] Absfresh[BG] all due respect but you are trying to blackmail us with that referedum. You can't force your allies to choose between 2 countries that help eden in this period

GeluRomanu[RO] Absfresh[BG] i want bulgaria back as much as you do, but if i do that i want to see Bulgaria accept Turkey as trial, for EDEN's Sake

GeluRomanu[RO] Absfresh[BG] we want Bulgaria back, but don't put conditions like: we don't want turkey as trial

naufragiatu when BG CP tanks against turkey during negociations it seems there's not much you can control

About great EDEN HQ stance on voting separately

Erius[FIN] Bulgaria will promise that they're ready to talk about Turkeys GEA membership
Oles once again
Oles If we ready to restore Bg rights, you would restore TR rights also
Erius[FIN] Oles, we can do it separetly if we decide so
Oles no

Erius[FIN] <+Erius[FIN]> I propose this; We vote about Turkeys and Bulgarias matter separately - today Bulgarias rights and later Turkeys situation.
Chew-Chew-Shoe[IRE] I agree with Erius[FIN]
Oles no
naufragiatu as far as i know freezing bg's rights and turkey being kicked out was a package deal
Oles you can't
Erius[FIN] Oles, we can if we want
hoffa13 Erius[FIN] what dont you undersntand that they are tided up together?
Chew-Chew-Shoe[IRE] Of course we fucking can
Chew-Chew-Shoe[IRE] lolo
naufragiatu if that was a wrong decision, it should be voted as a whole again
Erius[FIN] Let the presidents decide
hoffa13 you cannot vote them separatly
Chew-Chew-Shoe[IRE] hoffa13: tbh it's not that we don't understand, more that we don't give a fuck ;_;
Erius[FIN] hoffa13, it is tied up together only in our mind
=-= Mode #EDEN.summit -v Erius[FIN] by Oles
hoffa13 😁)

Chew-Chew-Shoe[IRE] If we can't even propose something in OUR OWN alliance (Referring to Erius's proposal) without the HQ shooting us down, then what the fuck is the point of us sticking around, eh? This is bullshit, and I'm having none of it.
hoffa13 Chew-Chew-Shoe[IRE] maybe you can leave your "fucks" home
hoffa13 you are not in a bar
naufragiatu making threats is not the best way, Chew-Chew-Shoe[IRE]
naufragiatu thank you for your "peaceful" and "brotherly" input, Chew-Chew-Shoe[IRE]
hoffa13 Erius[FIN] stop repetion your self plz
naufragiatu I have not made any threats or used the word "fuck" with anyone, so please watch your language

berinni[CRO] full membership bulgaria
berinni[CRO] trial turkey
Erius[FIN] Here are our options now; 1) we can vote about Bulgarias full rights and Tukryes GEA membership at the same time 2) Try to find out a new way to solve all this 3) keep arguing
Erius[FIN] I'd propose we try the first option now
Oles Cro request a voting, right?
Giuseppe_Stan[IT] Erius[FIN]: +1
ArikAharon[ISR] what about Erius[FIN] 's 1 option ?
ArikAharon[ISR] seems good for me
Chew-Chew-Shoe[IRE] Oles:
berinni[CRO] Oles yes
Oles ok
berinni[CRO] request from cro to voting
Chew-Chew-Shoe[IRE] So when Croatia proposes a voting it's all jolly good but when Ireland and Finland does it it's "Fuck their shit"?
Oles I would ask GEA members and BG to leave