[ONE] Our Military Plans For April

Day 1,606, 15:13 Published in Greece Thailand by deleted smee

Dear Friends,

Here are the military plans of ONE. Of course some people will start backtrackking on what is said here, trying to cover themselves.


P.S. Note what is said about Bulgaria, kinda interesting.

as you might know, I was elected on March as Secretary General of ONE
back then, ONE was falling and only Poland had a congress
Indonesia lost its congress due to an attack by China
However, now ONE is on the rise, and Indonesia has several countries conquered and several extra resources
When I got elected as SG, I had several goals in mind. One was bring up cooperation, another is bring back morale, and the third would be hitting at the weakest links of a greatly unstable TEDEN alliance
MoFAs played a vital role in all three goals
MoFAs are the main country coordinators in erepublik
when someone needs to talk to another coutnry, be it for a military tactic or for ask help, MoFAs were to get together
and interact
before, there was a distrust of MoFAs, and MoDs both had to plan their internal coordination and their external one
so they were overworked,
with a military cooperation with MoFAs and MoDs, MoDs can have free time for real military planning, bringing into play external planning
at one time we had 30 "contacts" in Bulgaria, meaning pro-ONE bulgarian players who spammed their media and their feeds
without good MoFAs, maybe Bulgaria would have caved to EDEN pressure or went away from EDEN but without being pro-ONE, which was Bulgarian original plan
so that's why MoFAs are so important
regarding ONE
current situation is pretty good
as you know we deleted Romania, and we plan to delete Croatia and Turkey soon enough
this is part of a long plan strategy
with new changes and specially the 400k donate
this has become an economic war, a long war of economic attrition
for instance, look at Croatia
Croatian Economy only have one bonus right now
and most importantly
only have 80k on their Country Treasure
that means that Croatian State is now ruined and only dependant on Romper's tanking
and Romper can't tank in every round of every battle
we need to keep gaining resources and depleting TEDEN's ones
so our next plans involve striking into China
which is the biggest remaining EDEN country
and their "haven"
and at the same time
bringing resources to every major ONE country
Serbia, Poland, FYROM, Hungary, Spain, and of course, Indonesia
and well that's it
thanks Mr Siddy
now we open the question session
if someone want to ask please send me a PM
so can give a voice
Mr Siddy how about Argentina?
Argentina tried to delete Chile
and that costed her dearly
Thanks to this, Chile now haves a Babyboom
Argentina lost their colonies
and they might lose their country soon
we have a channel on which EPIC, ONE, Chile and Bulgaria
and its there where we coordinated that battle
regarding on future of Argentina
there are several choices
Chile will get on map again following successful RW in New Zealand
and they can RW out of Peru tomorrow too
we can either use Chile to conquer Argentina to fuel its BB
or bring Indonesia trough Australia
which would mean a big oceanic war, also
however, the main turning point
was with Chile and Bulgaria
becoming pro-ONE
that was entirely a work
I led with several MoFAs
specially MoFAs of Serbia and FYROM
it was a long plan which had lots of points
oke now we have several questioner
first is revip
Oke thanks mrizky
hello mr. Siddy
i have 2 questions for you,
As One SG, what do you think about political take over. Do you agree with that?
What is One plan for this month
that's a good question
on Political Takeover
ONE does not promote PTOs
in last module
both PHX and EDEN
actively promoted PTOs
but in current's module, PTOs are harder to do, and provide less benefits
now, to PTO you need a lot of people with the other country citzenship
which means probably having a CS of a country with shitty bonuses
so PTOs have fallen out of favour
however, we're not against it either
this is a game after all and there are several ways to try it
sometimes I get asked by some MUs which countries are "easier" to PTO
we try to direct them
to small enemy countries
who're usually countries that are already PTOed by big countries
as, since V2 when world population went down
small independent coutnries populated by RL natives
have almost disappeared
to sum it up, ONE stance on political take over is "we do not promote them, nor condemn them"
ONE plan for this month
has mainly 3 phases
1. Delete congresses/economies of big Balkan EDEN countries, namely Croatia Romania and Greece
2. Deplete the extra bonuses of periferical TEDEN countries like Brazil, USA and China
3. Get reosurces for our big countries
that's on the military sphere
on the diplomatic sphere we're waiting for several countries to become pro-ONE
can't speak on which but I'm pretty sure you already know
as they're countries close to bulgaria
what about ONE plan for erased ONE country like Mexico etc ?
on EPIC countries, we're going by phases
first phase was european countries
like Slovakia, Austria, Belgium and Montenegro
they're pretty safe, now
Montenegro is with BiH but Serbia is NEing BiH now
so they'll get free in a matter of days
second one was the countries in middle east
where we liberated UAE, Paki (till it invaded again by China) Egypt and Saudi Arabia (till invaded again by Cyprus)
then next phase was South America
now we have Mexico and South Korea
and Venezuela
since Spain NAPed Brazil and USA
Spain can easily break trough Colombia and Portugal
to liberate Mexico and Venezuela
SK is a big campaign we're plannig to liberate them from taiwan via RWs
before congress election
our plan is to have congress for every EPIC countr on 25th
what your opinion about -maybe- China's Europe Tour ?
*what is
we know exactly they're in the gate of Europe, in Middle East
is there any plan for it ?
was issuing orders at ONE
for now
China has being transversing countries
like Pakistan and Irak
which have no means
of defending themselves
right now china occupies regions on 5 countries
NKorea, India, Pakistan, Iran, and Turkey
besides the China ones, of course
right now china occupies regions on 5 countries
NKorea, India, Pakistan, Iran, and Turkey
besides the China ones, of course
it's a similar thing that happened with Argentina
when they got a rival of their size
they got ravaged by RWs
and multifront war
China is bigger than Argentina
but their situation won't be as merry as it is now
that's for sure
neverthless that China war will determine
who gets domination for the next months


smee again,