[ONE] Campaigns and the Erasmus programme

Day 1,263, 03:09 Published in Serbia North Macedonia by ONE HQ

Dear citizens of ONE,

Last week the EDEN started a joint operation of Serbia. They opened four fronts against the TOP 1 country. They acted like hyenas when they were trying to break Serbia, to achieve what nobody could achive till now. The mighty Serbia managed to turn the tide on 3 fronts, and let Hungary close the fourth. With the ONE behind her back, Serbia could defend the attack what could broke his backbone. In the meatime Sweden and Spain hold the dogs of the US and China. It is time to pay back.

Romper left the battlefields of Croatia, and scuppered the EDEN. China buried the ancient treasures to conquer Lapland, but their march will be over at Svealand.

Defend Serbia and Sweden, then push back the hyenes of the EDEN and Terra behind their borders and follow them to their homes!


Few weeks ago Charla proposed an idea to the alliance which seemed great, so we decided to put it into form. A few of you might know about the RL Erasmus programme which is a student exchange programme.
Charla’s idea was to create an eRepublik Erasmus like Programme for soldiers of the ONE.
So, We did it. : )
The rules :

You are technically join a foreign unit of a ONE army, where you can work and fight like in your previous unit. You get supplies from the foreign unit, you are recieving orders from them et cetera.

We have asked every Minister of Defense of the ONE to look after units which want to accept foreign soldiers temporarily.
The final list is the following with the contact person :


ELITA - NSfreak
Legija - KatKis
Skorpioni - nemaanjaa


FFAA - Troy Duran
Guardia de la Noche
Winter is coming
Fuerzas Armadas Forococheras -
David Ortiz


Wojsko Polskie - staruszek
GROM - SyrkiusAFK
GOND - trawa
Blue Rose - bernard75


Horthy - Gans
Bethlen - zordsajt
Ludovika - Jenkiz
Rakoczi - FLac
Zrinyi Miklos Ezred - Rhual


ArMakedon - DedaNoe
Chaos Order - lavcan
Panzer - kojoti2

A few brave soldier have already joined a foreign unit : Gregory Gallangher (Kulgar) the Secretary General joined to the GROM, the legendary unit of Poland, just like Drashhh_III_Makedonski former president of Macedonia. There were others who decided to join other units : Kita Skowronski joined the Guardia de la Noche - Cuervos, and Chente1984 joined the Horthy from Spain. We are sure that others will come, and all of you will enjoy the Erasmus programme of the armies of ONE. We suggest you to do the same.

Secretary General: Gregory Gallangher
Military Commander: StrozeR

Deputy Secretary General: Mikel_Ahone
Deputy Military Commander: Baltazar8

Department of International Relations : AThompson

In the end I would like to invite every friendly citizen of the ONE, every honorable opponent and troll to our public IRC channel on Rizon: #one.public

National translations

If you have any, please either comment or send a PM to the ONE HQ org we will put it here.