[ONE alliance] Meet the armies of ONE

Day 1,319, 03:43 Published in Hungary Chile by EduRaptor

- Dear readers

• As i announced in this article, the time has come to publish the article about selected armies of ONE alliance.. In order to keep this article not as big as it would be, please read the details from the link. Ok, to sum it up, it took bit longer than I expected, and even after 9x longer period that some of the people were provided, i still didnt get the data i needed from everyone, so i decided to post what i do have. So lets start.

Hungarian representative - Kinizsi Század | Military Unit | Members - 34 | Average Strength - 3596

Military unit leader

Czygler [ xp - 19,953 | Strength - 5,511.73 | rank - Supreme Marshal ]
- Give me some basic details about your unit.
- Czygler: Kinizsi Század was founded among the first Hungarian units by CsiPet , who later left the game and gave the leadership to LightBringer81. The unit members gathered their resorces and bought weapon, iron and housing companies, to support the fighters. I (Czygler) took over the unit from Mikrobi with well built industry in april 2010. We were the Hungarian unit that did the most damage in the last battle of V1, Liaoing. The Rising almost killed us, like it did many other units, but with new officers like Kulgar, Bloodarcher, and an old one Longleyy, and many newbies, we found our way back to the top. After Rising many old players came back, and now, we are one of the top Hungarian Units, again.
- Who are your most famous members?
- Czygler:
CsiPet - the founder
LightBringer81 - former MoD of Hungary
Mikrobi - former MoFA of Hungary
Ipath - former CP of Hungary
addictive1975 - "The Tank"
- What would you mark as special in your unit?
- Czygler: The unit is the same age, as the Hungarian Army. Only a few units can tell the same. We were there at the begining, we are here now, and we will be here in the end. The athmosphere is very good, very few people left for another unit, and we do a lot to help our soldiers to battle these continous changes in this game. We also have a few outsiders in our ingame MU, because they had no MU and needed a shelter - http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/group-show/109
- Anything to add?
- Czygler: I'm happy to be a part of Kinizsi Század, and gratefull to all my officers and soldiers, to keep me in this game.


addictive1975 [ xp - 78,431 | Strength - 6,344.57 | rank - World Class Force ** ]
- For how long have you been in the unit?
- addictive1975: Since the beginning.
- What do you consider the biggest benefit of chosing your unit over any other?
- addictive1975: The community who made this unit, played a very important role in my erep life, they supported me, trusted me, and guided me, if needed.
- Who do you consider as your closest friends in the unit and why?
- addictive1975: this is the leader Czygler, cause he was allways there, and he likes beer als😇
- Anything to add?
- addictive1975: We are proud of our unit, It is almost as old, as the hungarian army.

Macedonian representative - ArMakedon | Military Unit | Members - 42 | Average Strength - 3650

Military unit leader

Romb0 [ xp - 12,443 | Strength - 3,919.63 | rank - General *** ]
- Give me some basic details about your unit.
- Romb0: The unit was formed by Drashhh_III_Makedonski and Macedonian_Lion. The basics of our unit are that we cooperate on every field economy, military helping each other and it is important to mention that all member have same status and we are all equal.
- Who are your most famous members?
- Romb0: Well we have a lot of former and current member who have been CP's , MoD's, MOFA's. i would mention some of them Drashhh_III_Makedonski , Strumjanin, Dedanoe Ivan Vanco Makedonski etc.
- What would you mark as special in your unit?
- Romb0: Special thing about our unit is that we are all equal and have nobody has bigger status than anyone else.
- Anything to add?
- Romb0: Hmmmm well i like to say that i realy enjoy answering these questions and i want you to excuse me for waiting a lot of time for my answer but RL issues didn't alow me till now 😃


PhoenixMK [ xp - 9,870 | Strength - 3,917.24 | rank - General ]
- For how long have you been in the unit?
- PhoenixMK: 7 months.
- What do you consider the biggest benefit of chosing your unit over any other?
- PhoenixMK: At the beginning there were only few military units, one was owned by the state and two or three were paramilitary. ArMakedon was promising paramilitary unit, composed of the oldest Macedonian players and newcomers like me. ArMakedon have offered trustworthy and loyal people, cooperation and team play. The strenght was not an issue at all. Those were the things that I was looking for, people who want to help and cooperate between each other. Although I was very weak player, I was invited to become a member and gladly accepted the invitation to join ArМакedon. My unit is famous for its organization, unity and commitment.
- Who do you consider as your closest friends in the unit and why?
- PhoenixMK: With several members of ArMakedon I have extensive cooperation like DedaNoe (CP of Macedonia), Maked0ner, Rombo, Ivan Vancho Makedonski, Drashhh III Makedonski and brsja4e who are members of the Government of Macedonia as myself. I would not like, nor I can pick people that I consider as best friends. I consider everyone in Armakedon very close to me because we have the same interests and goals in this game.
- Anything to add?
- PhoenixMK: ArМакedon is currently the most powerful paramilitary unit in Macedonia and definitely the most famous Macedonian military unit in the New World. It is composed of 41 members with an average strength of ~3550 points. From the ranks of this military organization emerged very famous and popular politicians (of which three were CP's), journalists and soldiers. Our motto is "After us, DELUGE" or the newer one "After us, TSUNAMI". ArMakedon is also known as a Spam Squad 😃

Serbian representative - Serbian Legion | x | Members - 66 | Average Strength - 3305

Military unit leader

neminomni [ xp - 13,587 | Strength - 3,366.08 | rank - General ** ]
- Give me some basic details about your unit.
- neminomni: Serbian Legion was founded in august of 2009 year. In those days Legion was second Serbian paramilitary unit, first unit is White Eagles. Few players from regular Serbian army - VeS are formed new unit, Serbian Legion. In May of 2010. we are invited to return to VeS and become one of regular Seriban army units and since then we are under Serbian MoD command. Before that we were mercenaries, fight for Indonesia and Phoenix alliance. Now Serbian Legion have a lot player from Slovenia and they have own avatar but that guys and girls fight for Serbia with our unit, we all have same name - Legion!
- Who are your most famous members?
- neminomni: Actually, we don't have famous members. You might know Dkivi, guy from Slovenia, he is great tank or Indonesian players Sudirman and Puppetmaster. In our unit was Unihorn, former Serbian CP and i forgive to say, she is one of Legion founders.
- What would you mark as special in your unit?
- neminomni: What is so special? Like other units we have crazy crew at IRC, our channel is full of whacked people, also we have great meetings in real life. There is no special things, we are just ordinary people. You can visit us, our channel is #pregovori at Rizon.
- Anything to add?
- neminomni: My English is bad, I know it, so please check my grammar... xD (no can do, me likes it dis way : D)


Kaktis [ xp - 16,121 | Strength - 4,402.68 | rank - General *** ]
- For how long have you been in the unit?
- Kaktis : From august 2009.
- What do you consider the biggest benefit of chosing your unit over any other?
- Kaktis : Biggest benefit is many friendship which I made. Beter military progres.
- Who do you consider as your closest friends in the unit and why?
- Kaktis : Our closest friends are VeS units Lions and Bears.
- Anything to add?
- Kaktis : Our dear friends you alwaus can come to our rizon channel #pregovori and hangout with us.

That would be all for now... I am sad that all the units that applyed havent finished their part of the deal, so we miss Swedish, Spanish and Polish part... Anywayz, emperor hopes you enjoyed. If u did, plz shout it on, so others can see : 3 Tnx for reading, love yall!

Shout: Meet the armies of ONE - http://bit.ly/iOgAjq

Exiled Emperor of eChile
Akasuna Itachi