[Oinyo4CP] What is with these attack articles?

Day 2,175, 19:03 Published in Canada Canada by Oinyo

My competitors are foaming at the mouth with their attack adds.. What the heck is going on here?

This is not an American election.. Stop with the attack adds.. Seriously..

The weakest most pathetic way to campaign is to simply attack others to take attention away from what you are trying to bring to the table..

Here.. I will make history and show you 2 how its done in proper Canada.

Vote Oinyo because I feel with hard work and determination I can make a massive difference. I will adapt to what the people want to ensure eCan is moving foward WITH the country.. Not beside it in the shadows.

I will have a completely open government and will not hide anything from the people..

For more information please see the Video I made in my previous article or my campaign article before that.

I wish the best to my competition within eCan. Please note even though the 3 of us seem to be enemies we are not. We are all working to better eCan.

Each person is different and has a different view in what will help eCan but at the same time.. We have completely different paths to achieve that.

Vote with the path that you feel would best suit you.

Thank you