[OFFICIAL] Kanto War Crimes Tribunal Day 3

Day 909, 00:07 Published in Japan South Korea by William Choi

List of suspected war criminals:

name / title(s) / type(s) of crime(s) / remark

Danyeo / Prime Minister / A / Formulation and execution of a plan to wage wars of agression against eSK (1).

Chysamere / General of the Army / A / (1)

Reiji Mitsurugi / Minister of Foreign Affairs / A, B / (1), denied the legitimacy of the colonial government.

Sugawara Michizane / Minister of Health / A, B / (1), denied the legitimacy of the colonial government.

KITA Ikki / Congressman, Field Marshal / B / denied the legitimacy of the colonial government.

Tanaka Fujimori / Congressman, Field Marshal / A, B / (1), denied the legitimacy of the colonial government, offended the national pride of eSK.

Ryoushi / Field Marshal / A, B / Calling people to fight against resistance forces in Gyeongsangbuk-do.

Vai Siv / Congressman, Field Marshal / B / Calling people to fight against resistance forces in Gyeongsangbuk-do.

Haruhi Suzumiya / Minister of Anti-Korean Propaganda / B,C / Offended the national pride of eSK.

Goku Jones / Field Marshal / A / (1)

Dokomo / Minister of Defense / A / (1)

Kaigefoh / Press Director / B / propaganda against Korean rule

Matsumi / Press Director / B / propaganda against Korean rule

exReality/ Minister of Security / A / (1)

Geno Garon / Minister of Defence / A, B / (1) Planning and coordinating fights agsint resistance forces in Gyeongsangbuk-do.

Sigrun_Makinen / General / A / (1)

Laurana Psion / Field Marshal / B / denied the legitimacy of the colonial government

TheReverendSeanV / self-proclaimed Governor General of Korea, Field Marshal / A, B, C / (1), brutally offended the sovereignty and national pride of eSK. Regarding eSK as a nation inferior to former eJapan.

Defendants will have 24 hours to testify to convince the judges they are innocent. A more linient sentence MAY be given to defendants who admit their crimes. Absent trial will leave the judges no choice but to
pronounce guilty.