{Official eROC MoFA News Update, Vol. 6} Food is what we need. :)

Day 1,802, 01:02 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by Yanagihung

********** English Version **********

Greetings to our friends, old and new. We have finally come to my personal favorite part of the series of newspaper – FOOD! Since there are so many different kinds of food in Taiwan, we are going to split this category into 3 different newspapers: sit-down restaurant food, vendor food, and desserts. I hope you are as excited as I am. 😛

While there are many delicious food varieties in Taiwan, not all of them necessarily originated in Taiwan. We enjoy all sorts of different food from all over the world, and in this article, I would like to introduce you to some of the most popular dishes in Taiwan.

First of all, 3 cup squid. The 3 cups refers to 1 cup of soy sauce, 1 cup of wine, and 1 cup of sesame oil. It is also usually cooked with garlic and Asian basil. It has a very strong fragrance, and not only does it go well with rice, it also goes very well with beer. 😛

Second of all, hot pot. Hot pot is a very versatile dish with many different possible flavor combinations. It is very much like a fondue cooked in boiled broth instead of hot oil. We cook all kinds of meats, dumplings, and vegetables in the hot pot. The most common ones are spicy hot pot (the one shown in the picture is a combination spicy pot so people who doesn’t eat spicy food can share it as well):

Hot pot with pickled nappa cabbage and pork belly:

Lamb hot pot:

And the most common, personal hot pot:

Third of all, Hakka style stir fry. The main ingredient in this stir fry is usually squid, dried bean curd, pork, green onions, and celery. It has a slightly sweet-spicy taste to it, and is a favorite for many.

Fourth of all, steamed glutinous rice with crab with roe. The rice is usually seasoned with soy sauce, fried shallots and shiitake mushrooms, and then steamed with the crab on top. Often eaten during celebration of sorts.

Fifth of all, stir fried rice noodles. There are many variations of rice noodles out there, but the traditional Taiwanese rice noodle is usually cooked with shiitake mushrooms, a little vegetables, and dried shrimp. It has a mild taste that you can never get tired of. : )

And finally, braised pork. This is a personal favorite dish, and every place has their own secret recipe. The base flavor is usually soy sauce with different spices, and people usually use either pork belly or pork butt for this dish, since the marbling in the meat adds flavor and tenderness. Not only is the pork tender and delicious, but the sauce is also a killer on rice or noodles.

These are just a tip of the iceberg when it comes to the gourmet you can find in Taiwan, but I hope it has ignited your interest in our next article, which would be all about vendor foods. I truly believe vendor food is where the soul of Taiwan lie. Until then, we hope you enjoy our newspaper!

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********** 中文版 **********

各位舊雨新知,大家好! 寫報紙寫了這麼多篇,終於又繞回我私人最喜歡的主題 – 食物了! 因為台灣的美食實在是太多了,我們將會把食物報分成三篇主題來寫,分別是餐館菜、小吃、以及甜點。我希望各位也和我一樣興奮。😛



第二道,火鍋。火鍋是一種有非常多變化的料理。它基本上有點像歐洲的fondue,只是fondue是在熱油裡把肉塊煮熟,而火鍋是用沸騰的湯把材料煮熟的。我們在火鍋裡煮各種不同的肉類、餃類、以及蔬菜。最受歡迎的火鍋有以下幾種: 麻辣鍋 (圖片顯示是鴛鴦鍋,這樣不吃辣的人也可以同時享受吃火鍋的樂趣。)






第五道,炒米粉。雖然炒米粉有很多不同的口味,傳統的台式炒米粉通常會加香菇、一點蔬菜、以及蝦米。雖然口味不是很重,可是怎麼吃都不會膩。: )


台灣美食何其多,以上提到的只是冰山一角;不過我希望這能夠讓大家更加期待下一篇報紙: 小吃篇。我認真的覺得台灣美食的精髓在小吃之中表現得最為淋漓盡致。到下一篇報紙出來之前,希望你也喜歡這份報紙!

如果你喜歡我們的報紙的話,請幫我們V + S一下喔!! 😃