[OFFICIAL] Emergency Update from the Speaker of Congress

Day 1,120, 11:21 Published in Japan Japan by Propaganda Now

My apologies, ladies and gentlemen, for using this unorthodox method of communication, but it is the only one I am capable of, given that I accrued my fifth FP earlier today (and I shall not publicly go into the reasons why).

Many of you may be confused as to the nature of our WAR WITH SOUTH KOREA. Allow me to dispel and (and I know this is a bit interesting, given the context of this paper) PROPAGANDA surrounding this topic. HERE IS THE ONLY VOTE CONGRESS HAS TAKEN REGARDING A REGION SWAP WITH ESK IN MONTHS. As you can plainly see, Congress is very strongly against this region swap. Congress, your elected representatives, have declared this war between Japan and South Korea not to be a Training War, or a Region Swap, but full on aggression by South Korea, now run by President-by-Impeachment Clopoyaur. Do not be deceived, Japan stands against this invasion, and we are calling upon all allies and powers to repel it.

Please message Minister of Defense Alfred Ball and tell him you are ready to stand and fight for your country.

Please message Minister of Finance Danyeo and tell him to supply our tanks with food and weapons for war.

Please message Country President Kita Ikki and tell him you support a free and sovereign Japan that stands strong against foreign aggression.

~ Geno Garon, Speaker of Congress