\o/ WoW \o/

Day 2,153, 17:11 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by sso89

And yes Finally Our President proved his remarkable words;

" It is very interesting to see that I, as a non-RL Pakistani, am doing more for this country than the those people who think I’m not a suitable candidate just because of my RL nationality "

After almost 8 days he threw a proposal for a mutual protection pact with Serbia.

Reaction of ePakistani Citizens after this proposal

Hold on, I have got another precious verdict of our beloved President;

" we are making good headway Internationally and you will be seeing the results of that soon, hopefully."

With Serbian MPP we are not making anything new, They are our friends since we started the game. How can you make difference and comes out with fruitful long lasting results?
You are too slow BTW ..

A Patriotic Pakistani

Pakistan Zindabad