[NZNN] The return

Day 1,256, 21:29 Published in New Zealand USA by Fionia
aka How many eUSers didn't know I had left?

It's nice to be able to dust off these old images. Yes, if you didn't know, I have returned to eNew Zealand. And it's time to bring back the series I was just starting up before I left. It's the New Zealand Nightly News!

Two things tonight.

Don KronoX is running for president again, with official support from the Peace and Prosperity Party. There are two other candidates, kemis and Splindza, but NZNN believes that Don is the only good choice for the country.

Second, the PnPP is recruiting. If you join the PnPP in-game, and post on this article, you will get 10 Q3 food. If you join the eNZ forums as well, and post in the party section there, you will win 2 Q5 weapons. It's simple really. Get active, get free stuff.

In my shout today, I asked "If you were president of your eCountry for one day, what would you do? "

Here's a roundup of the answers:

2 people, Comrade Kc and Juan Ladino (both from the eUS), wanted to "free the US", with Juan also wanting to "liberate Germany, Colombia, Russia France, Greece, Australia and Italy."

Blood-Red_Sandman, ElmieJr, and Joseph Dinero all made similar comments about eDating/eMarrying me.

GenMcBeckson wanted to create a disease.

The second place answer goes to Thedark Ace, who said "I would totally attack all Poland base, and then into space. Poland cannot into space, you see."

But the winner has to be Anna Adams, who said that she would "Start a propaganda campaign. Abolish congress and have them executed. Claim my rightful status as the Beloved One, the descendant of gods. Live a lavish life on the shoulders of my loyal subjects. Use fear to control the masses. Have a Slushie machine installed in my bedroom."

That's all for tonight folks.

Signing off,