[NSlater] Politics in Reform.

Day 1,229, 07:41 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Nathan Slater

As I did in a few articles a month ago, Im going to discuss the ways in which the politics module can be improved.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

It would appear its been left behind in the eWorld although without politics the rest of the modules wouldn’t function.In the articles before hand I had explained the ways in which the voting systems could be improved for a fairer and more equal society across the bored.Today I will be looking at party politics, something which has been neglected for the most part.

Running for Congress??

Currently only the top 5 parties can run citizens in the congress elections, this creates a huge inequality for the smaller and less represented parties. In real terms new citizens are inclined to join the bigger parties because of this.It shouldn’t work like that. Instead of people standing up for what they believe in they are forced to join more well known parties to have a chance of making it into congress.As we all know this is a step to bigger things.All parties should have the right to letting their members run for congress, no matter how many members, but instead we find the admins being lazy and limiting this to 5 parties.

Untouchable gold

Im sure many of you will have noticed that there is a large amount of gold and cant be touched in parties across the eWorld. This gold was used to advertise in elections, but now it sits quietly unused. I suggest that a new rule is enforced so parties have to pay for each candidate when running a congress in an election.This makes the gold useful again and limit the amount of candidates parties can run, therefore making room for smaller parties outside the top 5. Edit: Parties should have more power to choose whom is going to do the best for the country and therefore PP's allowed to block the candidates that arent up to the task.

Party Orgs

Once upon a time, you were able to create an org to support your party. Theses days many of the party manifesto’s are posted in the PP newspapers. While this has some benefits for the PP, it doesn’t always benefit the party in the same way. I am suggesting that when a new party is formed, an org is accompanied with a newspaper already bought.When new members come to the party, they are automatically subscribed to this newspaper to keep everyone invovled in the party activity.

Thanks for reading 😃

Nathan Slater