[NoTie] The CP elections - It feels.. Reductive.

Day 1,566, 05:05 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by NoTie112

'The eNetherlands have had two government terms, in which much has happened, but few has been archieved.

Convincing people to vote for you, by slandering your precedessors. It feels...

Don't let your country slip even further in cascading bureaucracy and chaos! We need a strong frontman, who can pull us out of our undesirable current situation, not one who will waste his time on translating every single letter on eRepublik bilingually. Van Spijck is a nationalist and a populist, who has shown to be insulting to foreigners and people who refuse to acknowledge the ridiculous 'Dutch honour and pride' which Van Spijck narrowmindedly pushes for. I can not let Van Spijck rule of my country. I still feel responsible for it, and will protect my beloved nation against the Geertjes, Rita's and Fortuintjes.

You're better of by voting Auggustus! As long-time I&W member, he has all the requirements for a succesful president. He's experienced, politically sane and active and his international contacts far bypass that of his opponents.

Former President of the eNetherlands

Katy Perry has started her campaigning for Auggustus, she likes her men straight.. You just know Auggustus will now slay the election results, as Katy Perry slays the international music charts. Just look at the last election results...