[!Notice!] JLP Mayoral Candidates [pre-V1 Archive]

Day 302, 06:09 Published in Japan Japan by Laurana Psion

The ZS is pleased to bring you news of the JLP candidates who will be in the upcoming and quite possibly LAST local elections in eRepublik history!

First up! Current Mayor of Muan; Jheph! Having already 2 mandates under his belt, he is running yet again so that he may continue his good work; especially, in dealing with the insidious "Muan Problem". No one knows Muan better than him.

Following afterwards, is PerfectMelody, who will be running in Chuncheon, Gangwon-do. Good luck to him.

Next up, we have political newcomer Decimus Brutus who contests the seat at Hiroshima, Chugoku! Quite possibly the most photogenic candidate, his very visage is like a finely sculpted marble bust with noble features! Some might say he is the very image of a Roman god. Who better to suit the region of Chugoku, in whose region is located Izumo, where the Shinto gods are said to gather every October!

Then, there is Laurana Psion, the very editor if this fine publication, who is still new to eJapan and her politics, but hopes to bring a touch of flavour to Matsuyama, Shikoku.

Last but not least is our newest member of all, JayF, self-proclaimed economist who will hopefully win a seat at Daejeon, Chungcheongnam-do!

In any case, whatever you do on the 20th September, please do vote! Have a hand in deciding the last ever mayors of eJapan!

This is a public service announcement published on behalf of the JLP.