[NOT NEWS]These words are post here because of the word limit of ticket system

Day 899, 04:44 Published in China China by c933103

First of all, when i try to reply your warning to you via pm, you just simplily redirect me to this ticket system and delete what i type for ONE hour about your falsein handleing my case? Also, why don't you directly put what i reply to you into this system and ask me to type it one more? due to my baad english, so i might not be able to show my argument fully, so if it seem that i do sth wrong in the case, than that is your problem and not my problem. except that, if i use lots of time in typing the ticket and do not have time to revise the quiz that i am going to take, you should take the full respondsibility on it. Also, if i broken the keybopard of the netbook that i am using to type this letter because i type words topo hard under my angry condition, you should by respoind for this.

Except that, now i going to talk about the warning that you give me few minutes ago. (http://www.erepublik.com/en/messages/read/inbox/45441099) You told me that my news arctile had violate your policy on spam, but i have tyo tell you this is not true. The news article that you told me that have some problem is just simpily a briefg introduction to that nuclear accident happen in same date of that day in USSR twentry something years agho. that get no relation to vulgarity, insults, spam, or advertising for external products or services, and there are even some erep-related info in my article. Also, by the article, in fact that i write this article is just very simpily because i saw a newspaper that publish in eRussia earlier that day. If you said that i am having oproblem with posting that thing here, why don't you also told that guy same thing? and why you tolldme that the article have problem weeks after i publish that? is this because some one request you to do so with political reason or your team is lazy on processing these report? or that is because you only able to see part of the truth? or because you politically process everything and find that my article ,might contain some political info so you delete my article? or you think that i am not going to pay for you, so you want to warn me and kick me away from the server after5rward to reduce your server load and allow more paid player play in the server? or you want to kick me away because you don't like me? and i repeat once more is that my news article does not violate the rule, if you think that the nuclear leak out is vulgarity, insults, spam, or advertising for external products or services , than that is your problem. if you think that i do something wrong here, than that is your problem. if i suffer any loss in the event, than that is your problem. for exampple, i use lots of time and electricity in typing the letter for you and give up the revision for my quiz on LS to type this letter.

And after I type these 5795 words you told me that here is a word limit of 2000 character???