Day 1,540, 14:39 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by abee666

please read my previous article first........



second, sorry for my bad english..

all we know the game is dying. a lot people leave this game everyday. yeah a lot character is born too, but as multies. a resigned big strength character be played by another player or can be sold. and tiny strength, ah just throw it to the sea.

we love this game. hmm.. i mean, we love the money we all spent on this game, so leave the game is a bit hard. hei but look this is a game that can make people meet another and they make community for it. its so cool right.? definitely cool because meet another person is something, but meet another people because play same internet game is great thing. we dont want this game dying. so here my suggestion to rescue the dying erepublik


we all know, the recent game is not strategy anymore. its pure click. who can click longer, stronger and faster surely win. but even with your tiny strength/damage you can win if you have unlimited health box. yeah that fitur is so crazy bro. but not all people have money to buy gold. me as example. plus the 8 round of win make war is tiresome.

"poor arnold.. i feel sorry for you."

we all know the huge strength and damage gap between newbie and old tank. at this rate newbie will never making a difference at war. and they will never catch the strength/damage that old tank has. when the newbie know that fact they will be lead at 2 choice, the first choice is playing but not for the game but for community. the game is like another world that people can hide from reality. second choice is give up and throw her/his character to the sea (again)..

"hey baby!! you will never be able to fight the oldman!! its your fate!!"


wam is pain in ass. they make you be come more individualistic. you will no need to buy again. you can make and use your product. but we can make and not use it. and sell it = profit.? sure good. but when all people do it the price will drop. so admin make bot. bot sure useful but for me is like an adult who never allow their babies to walk because they afraid the babies will hurt when try to walk.

"bot just make people happy with their unreal profit"
and read this article http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/job-market-sepi-1963431/1/20 . there is no job on jobs market. newbie will die from hunger.

q6 company is really overkill. make health box limited. i know to run this game is not cheap. but dont be too greedy. even you can run this game for next 10 years are you sure will be any human in there.? even we 'the non gold buyer player' will be proud and advertize this game for free to others if this game really woth to do it. just like mc donald bro! they sell with low price but huge quantity.

i can make better sugestion and solution. but why i tired my self when the admin not pay me? i just write some point for you to fix admin. its your job to make the game more interesting and you got paid for it.

nb :
i ll cry a bit if this article cant get 200+ vote
i ll disappointed for admin/moderator if this article not go international
i ll curse admin/moderator if this article be deleted and i got fp again
i am not sleep to draw + write this article so i am tired now 😛

thanks for all Vote Comment Subscribe 🙂 🙂

best regards


oke i ll give 5 x 10 Q6 thanks for 10 people..
the rule is :
1 - this article get 200 votes
2 - the comments at least 50
3 - i ll use ramdom.org to get the random number