[NN] Result eCensus February! (English)

Day 1,546, 17:36 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Mattio

[Dutch version]

!!! WARNING !!!

Designing, organizing, keeping up and publishing this eCensus took more than 15 hours of work. As a small favor, I ask nothing more than a vote, a subscribe and a reaction in the comment section below. Thanks in advance!

Dear eDutch citizens,
Six days ago, I asked you to fill in the eDutch Census in this article. To my joy, a lot of votes came to this, a lot of people supported the event and, above all, very many reactions came to the census! 😃

A total of 556 eDutch were contacted via PM, shout and article. The census consisted of 9 to 11 questions that were asked in Dutch and English. Below, for every question the result is given together with a small interpretation. 😉


Reactions: 130/556 (23,4😵

The first 3 questions were about the ‘language balance’ in our country.

Surprisingly, only 82,3% of the eDutch are native Dutch speakers. This seems to justify the current English-Dutch language spreading.

From this graphic, more nuance is coming: only 6,2% of the eDutch speaks/understands no Dutch. The language policy, in other words, is focused on this 6,2%.

There is no discussion possible about the question whether English articles don’t reach a lot of people: 98,5% of us reads these articles without any problems.

Question 4 to 8 were about the activites of the eDutch citizens.
NB: The percentages behind the answers may differ from the logical percentages (92 of 130 is 70,7%, for example, not 77😵. This difference is caused by the fact that citizens could skip the first four questions. For the analyses, the shown percentages are looked at.

A score of 77% on ingame media (newspapers) is relatively good, compared to the other scores. The IRC activity comes no higher than 37%, but especially the forum participation is disappointing: half of the eDutch is active on the forum. There definitely is some improvement possible there. 🙂

A stunning 92% is a member of a party. 86% of us has joined a Military Unit. These are good scores! 🙂

The Presidential Elections seems to draw the most attention of the eDutch citizens, soon followed by Congress Elections. Less interest is found for the Captain Elections (Military Unit). Though 86% of the active players is a member of a Unit.

Congress Elections seem to be very popular to the Dutch citizens. 92% of the reactions said that he/she ran for Congress once or more often, compared to only 40% that ran for PP. As was to expected, CP is the most wanted but the least “ran-for” position: a small quarter of us (24😵 has tried to become the President of our nation.

From this diagram, something interesting can be rea😛 43,1% of the eDutch citizens says that he/she would like to be more active. For them, the eNetherlands don’t (yet) give enough of a challenge. Here is an opportunity for the nation to let people participate more in eDutch politics, defense of media.

Question 9 and 10 informed to the age and ‘social activity’ in the eNetherlands.

Most of our citizens started in 2011 (47,7😵 or before that (40,8😵. The part of the eDutch that started this year is not even that small (11,5😵.
NB: Just the people that said to have started after January the 1st, 2011, (59,2😵, got to answer question 10.

From this graphic, we can see how many new players were approached by others. These approaches can be crucial to give new players a push into the new game. 77 people answered this question. 58,4% of them were approached (32,5% wasn’t).

That’s the end of the eCensus of February. 😃 Hopefully, the results of this census will be used optimally for politics and the media. It always gives a fresh feeling to have an image of the (hidden or not) acitivity in the eNetherlands.

Don’t for that that there are prizes to be won for the people that filled in the Census. The following will be raffle😛
- 5x 10 weapons
- 5x 100 breads
- 10x 150 NLG

What should I do to make a chance?
The only thing you should do to make a chance to win a prize is sending a PM to Mattio, in which you tell that you filled in the census.

On behalf of the Ministery of Home Affairs,
On behalf of our President,
On behalf of Nederlands Nieuws,
On behalf of the country,

Designing, organizing, keeping up and publishing this eCensus took more than 15 hours of work. As a small favor, I ask nothing more than a vote, a subscribe and a reaction in the comment section below. Thanks in advance!