[Nifty] An Open Letter to the People of the Netherlands

Day 2,970, 14:51 Published in Netherlands Hungary by Nifty.

People of eNetherlands!

At Nifty HQ we have watched the decline of the once-proud nation of the Netherlands with great sadness. Our two nations used to stand together as allies, united against the world.

Sadly that all changed when some of your leaders decided that regions were more important than friendship, and promptly switched to suckle on the milk of Asteria; abandoning the eUK during its hour of need.

Since then your country has slowly slipped into irrelevance, with the only notable thing it being capable of is occasionally joining a gangbang against the eUK with other, more important nations.

This month, you have even sunk as low as to make Aasilerian Kimi your MoHA. This is the final straw, and we cannot stand idly by and watch such a travesty unfold.

A distress call we received from a concerned Netherdutch citizen…

So we have an offer for you!

For the low low price of 25,000cc wired to our swiss bank account, Nifty will supply its finest Fataliix team of members to act as your most competent government in months. We can sack Kimi, raise your tax income and power, and most importantly restore some pride to the Netherlands…

We await your response.

