[NHS] Roll of Honour, New Term, Donations needed and Planned Reforms

Day 2,028, 05:43 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by eUK Home Office

Heya guys, Zap here with a short message about the NHS. This month will hopefully see some much-needed changes to how we help the young of the eUK. Instead of the level 30 cap we will be donating for a set-time period - 4 weeks is I believe the agreed period. We will also be offering structured mentoring and help instead of just wellness. I am currently in contact with Acroc - the reforms were begun to be planned during his term - and we should hope to have them implemented at some point during this month. Now for the roll of honour:

Dr Hugh Jardon
Draconius Nightwatch
Henry Pfeiffer Arundel
Alistair Forsyth
Bob Bloggs
Perry Rhodan

Thanks to all of your generosity. We still need more (We always want more 😛) so if you are in a philanthropic mood please send donations to either myself or if my storage is full up (very likely) to D I W as he has massive storage. You could easily bypass this by just sending me money though. 😃

Thanks folks keep sending your fookin money.

Zaphod MoHA
Viridi uMoH