[NHRS] - Day 1,500 (Happy 200th Day Revolutionary Party)

Day 1,500, 17:05 Published in USA USA by Kukai Ninjah Soma

The world looks like hell - "1"

Clearly, it's Christmas, and the eWorld looks like hell just like the rWorld. Thankfully at least now it's looks like hell in TERRA's favor so I can make a little profit off my business 😉.

You've got all TERRA nations hoisting and advancing their banner across ONE's lands as you see ePoland in a full retreat after being surrounded by eRussia, eGermany, eUSA, and eCroatia.

Now that eSerbia is getting raped by smaller nations and they can't focus the power of ONE, the alliance has nearly depleted itself and most of it has collapsed.

On another similar subject, it appears the smaller ABC alliance has made an assault against TERRA, and so it should be interesting to see the results of that. The war seems to continue, and these little things will all roll out, so just keeping an update.

Next Year a Christmas Truce - "2"

While I know ONE is a bunch of hackers and cheaters and wouldn't have a care in the world for this even if the erep staff made it bannable to break. I saw this idea in one of the newspapers I read. I send this section directly to Oblige and the entire of EDEN and TERRA.

The background to this is that during World War I, there was a christmas truce issued by the pope. While many people thought nothing of it until the days of christmas, on the day of Christmas, German, British, French and other belligerents, agreed to lay down all weapons in a truce, and many soldiers that had been in a heavy combat against eachother actually went across and greeted eachother.

Soldiers that had been killing eachother, went into the middle of the battlefield, and partied together. Half of them barely even understood what the other was saying, but they exchanged food, drink, and everything of the sort. Now I saw it proposed that erepublik do something of the sort.

Like I said, I know and understand countries like Poland would care less. So what I am proposing, most people will be caught up with their family and wont log on anyways, so I request that TERRA and EDEN switch to a defense, and agree to not attack for this 1 day. This is the proposal of Kukai, please at least take to consideration.

Revolutionary Party - "3"

This party has worked miracles, pure and simple. When I first joined the party, it hadn't even been recognized as a top ten party yet. I do say I'm amazed to see how far it's come from there. Being a member from that start, it's very clear to me why they succeeded, but I still must admit, it was a clear miracle that they created.

They currently stand at 65 members, the rank 8 party, but with that, they hold 3 congressmembers. I don't particularly care which party you look at, there is currently no party holding that many congressmembers except for the top 5. They were also close to owning a fourth (me explain in a later section). Now as I've been told and to my knowledge, we are the second party to manage not being in the top 5, and have 3 congress members throughout the entire history of erepublik as a whole. Coming behind only to iNCi(Who if I'm correct was an Australian party with nearly double our member count).

I suppose maybe I'm being a little to overdramatic, but as I said, try looking at all other lower 6th parties, and you'll see we're the only ones to do this ^.^.

New Hampshire's elections - "4"

Clearly, if you've been on my page, you'll know I was 'not' elected to congressmember of New Hampshire. The final vote was 8(Goddrick{USWP}) - 5(Ninjah{Feds}) - 3(Israel{AMP}). By the end of the election I was willing to buy votes, knowingly that I was still going to lose, but I was fully willing to piss off the USWP. No one took the offer though lol. (On that note, if you ever get a message from me saying I'll buy a vote from you, I'm trying to piss off whoever's leading the race)

But I'll be trying again for next month, so alls good. Thanks to 3/5 of the top 5 partys we managed to piss off USWP in the other states we ran in. And then we managed to piss off Pizza The Hut's (Keep reading for more info) party too. So we're doing great 😃.

A contest at hand - "5"

The Revolutionary Paper will be hosting a writing contest for me. I will be the pure sponsor to it, and I will be hosting it. Please do check it out, http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/revolutionary-times-258040/1 . The rewards will be very gracious for all victors ^.^.

Saying of the article - "6"

"But I do say no more than ten to twenty million killed, tops." In respect to the Day 1,499 WHPR article.

Pizza's pretty hot right now - "7"

Some of you may have already heard about this. But one of Pizza's good ol NCP's had something happen, and decided to leave the party. jkli5 a congress member. Now a great idea that I got out of this. With the addition of jkli5, the Revolutionary party had a party member running in every top 5 party of congress, except the unsocial USWP. ^.^ (Disclaimer: I don't completely hate the USWP (I dislike some stuff they were responsible for), but it's fun to annoy them a little, so I do it anyways 😃). So that's a definate step in the right direction as you find out and learn about us.

Sadly, our good friend Pizza the Hut didn't see this from the same view. He, for some reason, views jkli5 as a traitor, even though he claims to be open minded ^.^. Oddly enough this doesn't seem open minded to me 😃.

Addition: The following article fairly relates and is from DrummerMike, and everyone should check it out 😃. http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/unfairly-treated-1931993/1/20