[NGE and PM]Congratulations, Thanks, and an Eventful First Day

Day 777, 20:37 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds

As it stands, with about three and a half hours to go I am up about 100 votes. Unless we have a huge middle of the Night/Early morning vote, by this time tomorrow, my name will be on that politics page (just kidding Malta).

If, for some reason, the turnaround happens and Eddie wins, then best of luck. It sure is going to be a fun month. If it does not, then thanks for a fairly clean and thought provoking election.

Now, provided the second condition is met, and I'm the Prime Minister in the morning, here's a small list of things that I have "to do":

1. Just to announce, Hassan Pesaran is the Minister of Defence and Foreign Affairs, and effectively the Deputy Prime Minister in my stead should I not be around. We've worked well together in the past in reversed roles, and even though we won't always agree, I trust his leadership, as should you.

2. The Cabinet is mostly chosen. I have just a couple of people to try and find in the morning and get going, but it shouldn't take long. Once I do, and make sure the people who applied are accepting of the assignments, then we'll announce and fill Apprentice positions. I can say that the following have been chosen and notified as of now, so the transition is going to be smooth:

Defence/Foreign Affairs: Hassan Pesaran
Minister of Defence: Polio
Minister of FA - EDEN/Phoenix: GLaDOS
Minister of FA - Neutral Nations: Woldy
Minister of Work: jamesw
Minister of Finance: BB

3. Obviously the impending invasion from Poland, the United States of America, Sweden, and any other nation who wants to say they've "been planning this a long time" is a hot issue. The fact that you had to wait for Poland to grow to 50,000 members speaks volumes for what you think you can accomplish in the United Kingdom. If you invade, it's likely you'll win, for now. We're not big headed enough to think that we're the number 1 nation in Erepublik.

But, as Poland can tell you, there's nothing saying we won't be at some point, and the time will come when those wounds come to forbearance. Canada, Spain, the United States, Switzerland, North Korea, Hungary, Austria, Slovakia, Germany. Do those countries sound familiar? At one point, we thought they were wiped from the map, too, yet here they are. For every word of Malice you speak today, you'll receive double in the future. I hope you're prepared for that.

4. The Friends and Family Plan - Starting today, we're going to start a new theme. Today, we begin our friends and family plan in the United Kingdom. Each of us, contrary to popular belief (except GF) has friends. Each of us has family (for the most part). We have schoolmates, roommates, co-workers, or peers. We're not asking for Society Builders here. We're asking for one. Two if you can. Just refer them, get them involved, teach them the mechanics, teach them how to play.

We might lose some "pretend regions" on the internet, but it's one day at a time. We take things one day at a time, one step at a time, and leave none behind. We PM everyone we can. Move to London. Do your part.

5. Follow MoD Orders and join the Navy or Miitary. Fight where you're told. They will more than likely open 3-5 battles at once. We can defend one region better than five. If we focus on one, fight in one, we stand a better chance at defending ourselves.

And always defend London if it's being attacked.

6. Lastly, we're in a tight spot at the moment. Germany is being crushed by the Mario Brothers, the Netherlands are being beaten, we'll most likely lose Belgium to Poland, France is weary and tired, however, you cannot keep a country off the map forever. See the 4th point for how we solve that problem. Let's work together for a great term.

Thanks to all who voted for me, and now let's get to business.

Prime Minister