[NEWS] Assassination

Day 1,333, 18:54 Published in Japan Japan by Fruitcommando

12:32 PM today
Eckastealerofcows aka Eckastealerofgolds, former president of eJapan has been shot and killed by an unknown assailant. It is assumed the attacker was part of a romanian PTO group based in eJapan. Earlier today it was reported the former president's car was blown up via car bomb, it killed his personal assistant friedrice and mistress hitoshi makoto(known tranny). Right as this happened eckastealerofgolds was escorted to his private jet and flown to eIsrael, where his family home and safehouse is. He was then placed under the protection of exreality, japanese imperial army officer now hungarian citizen. After an hour the house was attacked by a squad of soldiers bearing the flag of romania and romanian made bombers which bombed the house. The JIA was quickly defeated by the elite romanian troops and began looking for the entrance into the bunker where ecka was placed. after 30 minutes of searching the rubble of the former mansion they gave up and moved onto the next location where president akki was (they also attacked him but failed due to the vast deployment of JIA in the area). Upon them leaving JIA arrived, they went into the bunker where ecka was said to be and saw he was shot in the chest with mustard gas within the room, It is suspected he was immune to the mustard gas due to his family being so exposed to it so he was shot in the chest with a hungarian pistol. Exreality's body was later found in a river who had appeared to have died due to the gas. The only evidence found inside the bunker was was a romanian flag and a voting ballot ontop of ecka's face for the former party "United Liberals of Japan" in which Fruitcommando won the election.