[Newbies' Food Distribution (NFD)] How to apply?? [Summary]

Day 1,006, 22:51 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Zyleris

Previously, i intended for those who care and thus will read it tru, thoroughly. Therefore, there is no holding back with all the informations i given out. However, such action also came with confusion.
Hence, i added a simplified version of the procedures:

All & All, In Summary
1) Register in here: http://erepublik.forumotion.net/social-and-community-f2/training-companies-newbies-food-distribution-nfd-programme-foods-order-registration-t1228.htm
2) Endorsement from RAY and/or SO and/or CP
2) Hand out this form to be filled in by corresponding Newbies:https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dDhxWG56Xzd6Y0p1djl2ZGpwWUFmYkE6MQ
3) Post the amount of foods you need in here and state your orgs:http://erepublik.forumotion.net/social-and-community-f2/training-companies-newbies-food-distribution-nfd-programme-foods-order-registration-t1228.htm
4) I will sent the foods to your orgs
5) Your orgs will sent out the foods to Newbies.
6) You will need to fill in this form then, as a report: https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dDBmRjJLSnlGNWJfY2dnbFpTUWFHLUE6MQ

Note: If you wish to help with the current available newbies at hands from RAY or SO. you can contact with Buntak, or RAY or SO. In this way, some of the newbies will be under your care through your orgs

Hope this will help.
For those who have heart, you are free to join

Bow politely,